Page 37 of Gunner
With nothing else to lose, I followed.
I still did not know what Scribe planned to do when he left an hour ago and when I asked, all I got was ‘trust me’.
Yeah, I was starting to believe that wasn’t a good idea.
Still, Scribe said I could stay in the cabin as long as I needed and to make myself comfortable.
Bored out of my mind, I snooped around a bit to find the place was void of anything personal. I thought for sure Scribe would at least have some tie-died shit hanging on his walls somewhere. For a hippie biker, he sure lived a minimalistic life. I was happy that the cabinets were stocked and when I investigated the pantry and saw a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos I grabbed it along with a swizzler stick.
Cherry flavored too.
My favorite.
The living room was simple. Comfortable furniture, with an enormous fireplace and a very large flat screen tv. I thought about binge watching some Netflix but there were like six remotes on the coffee table, and I had no clue which one was for the TV. There were only two bedrooms in the cabin, both furnished and clean. Even the master bedroom, which housed an enormous king-sized bed, showed nothing of Scribe’s personality.
However, the garage did.
Seeing a door off the kitchen, I walked into a large two-car garage and there in the middle, sitting on a fabric pad, was the frame of a motorcycle, with all the parts neatly spread out.
Scribe was building a new bike.
Setting the bag of chips on a workbench, I walked over to the bike and took stock of what he’d already done. Only, I frowned when I saw he misplaced a plug. Seeing a socket wrench, I removed the plug and fixed his mistake.
Figuring Scribe wouldn’t mind, I got comfortable and got to work.
Chapter Eleven
I searched the whole damn town for Sarah and couldn’t find her.
However, I did one productive thing. I put in a call to Sypher and told him what I needed. Kid said he would get back to me in a day or two. I wasn’t joking around when I told King I wasn’t any good at investigating shit.
Delegating? Well, I was a pro at that.
Figuring I deserved a break, I thought I would treat myself to ice cream, and I knew the perfect place.
Sugar’s Creamery was an institution in Rosewood. Owned and operated by the granddaughter of one of Rosewood’s matriarchs, Sugar Potter was a sweet woman. In more ways than one.
Yeah, I hit that sweet cream of hers too.
Hell, now that I thought about it, there weren’t many women in this town I hadn’t been with. That stopped me short. Maybe there was something wrong with me?
Shaking off the thought, I walked into the Sugar Creamery, took a deep breath and instantly felt cavities form in my bicuspids.
“Hi, Gunner!”
Smiling, I walked over and leaned against the glass display. “Hey, Sugar. What’s good today?” I asked, admiring all the concoctions displayed in the cooler. I could feel the brain freeze waiting to happen.
“I have the perfect one for you,” Sugar smiled, grabbing a cone as I watched her scoop out two large balls of the confectionate goo. Damn, it looked delicious too. Of course, everything was that Sugar created. I had yet to taste something horrible she made. Handing me the ice-cream cone, I took a bite and moaned.
“God, Sugar, this is amazing. What’s this one called?”
“I made that specifically with you in mind. It’s called A Simple Mind,” she chuckled.
“Ha. Ha.”