Page 36 of Gunner
“Because we need to talk,” he said, looking around the place. Before I knew what he was talking about, Scribe ushered me into the ladies’ bathroom. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. I just wanted to forget what happened and move on.
“Scribe, I need to go. I don’t want to talk about this. It’s embarrassing enough.”
Scribe shook his head and held up his hand. “You are not going anywhere, little girl, until you clarify what you just said. Now explain?”
Dropping my bag on the counter, I crossed my arms. “What is there to explain? I got played last night. I lost my virginity. I’ll get over it, eventually. Now please, can I leave?”
“You said the man whore of Rosewood.”
“Yeah. So?”
“Does your dad know?”
“I don’t want him dead!”
It was then I watched as a big, conspiratorial smile appeared on Scribe’s face. Narrowing my eyes, I had no clue why the fuck my misery was making him happy and I didn’t care. All I wanted to do was leave. However, Scribe had other plans because before I could leave, he grabbed my wrist as he hurriedly ushered me into the ugliest VW Wagon I’d ever seen. The damn thing had so many colors on it, I wondered if he painted it with Skittles.
Talk about tasting the rainbow!
The inside was worse. Red velvet lined every inch of the vehicle. Speakers pumped music throughout the small, enclosed space, making it hard to think. As it was, I feared my eardrums would never stop rattling. The incense stick he burned in the ashtray was making me sick to my stomach and the man didn’t know how to drive worth shit.
While I had mad respect for the brothers of the Sons of Hell, I was starting to really worry about Scribe. He just didn’t peg me as a biker. There was something seriously off with the man.
“Scribe, where are we?” I asked, as he turned onto a tree-covered drive that led to a beautiful log cabin not far from the lake.
I refused to even think of that place ever again.
Like Gunner, it was dead to me.
Cutting the engine, Scribe turned and smiled. “I need you to trust me for a little bit. Can you do that, Sarah?”
“I barely know you!” I cried.
“But your mom and dad know me and love me. Hell, everyone loves me.”
“That may be, but you still haven’t told me what we’re doing here.”
“You are going to help me set Gunner straight long enough so I can get back at the fucker for something he did two years ago. Besides, you said it yourself. You don’t want him dead and can we agree that if your dad finds out, I will be down a brother and your dad will do twenty-five to life for murder. Nobody wins if that happens. So, this is your chance to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
Groaning, I leaned my head against the window of his hippie van. “Scribe. I’m not going to tell anyone. His secret is safe.”
“Is it? You spilled the beans to me in less than five minutes. I can only imagine how fast you’d talk if it were your dad or mom.”
“Why should I protect him when he fucked Holly last night, after spending time with me?”
“He didn’t fuck Holly, Sarah. She was drunk off her ass. Gunner may be many things, but he prefers a willing participant, not a motionless corpse. He just made sure she got home safely. I know Gunner better than anyone. He’s like me in a lot of ways. And I know that idiot has been in love with you since the day he saw you. The second he had you, that was it. Only he’s too stupid to realize it. I’d bet you anything that moron is walking around right now, dazed and confused. Fucker’s not too bright when it comes to women. Oh, he can play a good game, but not when it comes to someone that matters.”
I wanted to believe Scribe. I really did because I loved Gunner, too. I had since I met him.
“I don’t know, Scribe.”
“Do you love Gunner?”
Going with my gut, I reluctantly nodded.
“Good. Come with me,” he said, jumping out of the driver’s seat, heading for the front door of the cabin.