Page 55 of Gunner
Holly moved fast, but before she could even get her hands on Sarah, my babydoll crouched low, then swiftly turned, swinging her left leg out, connecting with Holly’s face.
The irate bitch flew back, landing hard on her back.
“DAYUM!” Several of my brothers jumped back, gasping in shock.
My babydoll, slowly stood, straightened her back and walked over to the moaning woman. Bending over Holly as she whimpered, Sarah sweetly said, “I did warn you. If you only remember one thing from this encounter, rememberthis. My father is a Marine. He taught me well. Now get the fuck out of my house!”
“I like her,” Bailey grinned, saluting Sarah. “We’re keeping her.”
I wholeheartedly agreed.
Smiling at Bailey and Jessica, who were now clapping happily as Holly picked herself up off the floor, Sarah turned to look at me. I still couldn’t believe my sweet babydoll took care of Holly like she did. I kept that bit of information in the back of my head for future reference because, as sure as I was standing there, I knew one day I would fuck up and find myself on the receiving end of Babydoll’s ire.
I took a step towards her when I heard Jessica shout her name just as Holly grabbed her arm, whirled her around, punched her square in the stomach.
Gasping, Sarah clutched her midsection, desperately seeking air as she stumbled back. Blinking a few times, I watched Bailey and Jessica jump into action as they started pounding on Holly, beating her senseless as I reached out for Sarah, lifting her into my arms.
“Breathe, baby,” I said, turning to look at Scribe, who was already moving. “I’ll get the truck!”
Tears streamed down her face as she held her stomach protectively. “Gunner, I’m scared.”
“Me too, babydoll. Just breathe,” I said before I heard King ask. “What’s wrong?”
“She may be pregnant. We didn’t use protection.”
“FUCK!” King roared, immediately shouting orders. “Bailey, kick that bitch’s ass! The rest of you get ready to ride.”
“Gunner, I want my mom,” she cried.
“I’ll get her. I promise. Jess! I need you with me!”
Before I knew it, I was sitting in the back seat of my truck, with Jessica beside me checking Sarah’s vitals, and noticed her elevated heart rate, telling her to calm down. “Deep breaths, Sarah.”
“It hurts,” she moaned.
“I know, sweetheart.” Jess whispered, holding her hand.
I had taken many hits to my stomach in the past, but something about this one felt different. I didn’t know if it was because she caught Sarah off guard or the fact that she could be pregnant and scared to death that the bitch harmed the baby. But something about the whole thing felt wrong.
“I shouldn’t have turned my back.”
“No one knew she would attack, sweetie. We were all standing there.”
“Jess?” I whispered, my hold tightening around Sarah.
Jessica shook her head. “I don’t know Gunner. It was a cheap shot, but Sarah is young and healthy. If she’s pregnant, I just don’t know.”
“She’s pregnant,” I replied. “I know she is. I can’t explain it but I know.”
“That may be, but until a test confirms it, we just don’t know. I get you both are worried but let’s wait until Claudia takes a look. No sense in borrowing worry if we don’t have to.”
“It’s too early. How will she know?”
“A blood test. Your HCG levels rapidly increase in the first trimester. Typically, a doctor prefers to wait until your first missed period before drawing blood. I don’t know what Claudia will want to do. Sarah, honey, I’m going to lift your shirt up so I can get a better look, okay?”
Sarah nodded, removing her arm, trying not to grimace in pain.
My babydoll was really hurt.