Page 73 of Gunner
The big man frowned. “You look like shit, girl.”
Jess slapped his chest as I lightly chuckled. “I feel like shit too.”
“Leave her alone, Savage.” Jess said, as the front door opened again. Turning, I narrowed my eyes and huffed, returning to my previous position, laying my head on the cool table.
“Come on, babydoll,” Gunner sighed. “You can’t ignore me forever.”
Ha! That’s what he thought!
The bane of my existence walked over and kissed my forehead. “I said I was sorry.”
Sorry, my ass.
I was positive the man didn’t know the meaning of the word. Yesterday, I was working in the garage, doing a simple oil change when the heat got to me. Taking a small break, I was sitting on a few tires in front of a fan, drinking a bottle of water, trying to cool off, when Gunner found me. Instead of asking me what was wrong, he assumed the worst and hauled my ass down the mountain and into Claudia’s office, refusing to listen to a fucking word I said. It was only after Claudia told him what I’d been saying that he realized his mistake.
Instead of listening to me, he overreacted, and now I was refusing to speak to him. He thought he knew so much, then let him figure out why I was ignoring him.
Jess snickered as Savage asked. “I see your wonderful personality still repels women. What did you do now, Gunner?”
“I impregnated her.”
“That will do it,” Savage laughed as he looked at me before soberly saying, “My condolences, Sarah. You have my sympathies.”
“Thanks, I think.”
Gunner pulled the chair next to me and sat. “What the fuck are you doing here, asshole? Don’t you have your own club to torment?”
“Thought I’d come spread the love. So, when is the big man due back? Need to talk to him.”
“I’m acting President. Talk,” Gunner challenged, leaning back, crossing his arms over his chest.
Savage laughed boisterously. “No fucking way, Gunner. I wouldn’t trust you with a pack of gum. I’ll wait.”
I snickered at that.
Jess laughed loudly.
The bell dinged again.
I moaned.
What the hell?
Was the coffee shop Grand Central today?
“There you are!” Bailey walked over, grabbing a chair before she dragged it over to sit next to me. “You look rode hard and put up wet, doll. You okay?”
“She’s not talking today,” Jess said for me.
“In general or to a certain person?” Bailey asked, chuckling.
Gunner huffed. “She isn’t talking to me.”
“What did you do now, Ditch Digger?” Bailey asked, then changed her mind. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. King called. They are going to be a few more days.”
“Why?” Gunner asked.
“Frank and Priest both have food poisoning. Apparently, the fuckers ate a turkey cooked by that new slut, Violet? King says they’ve been puking nonstop for the last twelve hours.”