Page 74 of Gunner
My stomach rolled.
Covering my mouth, I jumped from my seat and ran to the bathroom, falling to my knees in front of the toilet just as my stomach hurled. Never in my life had I ever felt so violently sick.
Someone pressed a cold cloth against my neck as I continued to heave into the porcelain God.
“Is she okay?” I heard Gunner ask.
“Does she look okay?” Jess quipped back. “She’s fucking pregnant, Gunner. She won’t be okay until she delivers.”
“But she’s barely a few weeks.”
“You’re right,” Jess muttered, placing her hand on my forehead. “Sarah, you’re running a slight fever. I think you need to see Claudia. You shouldn’t be having morning sickness so soon.”
“I’m fine,” I moaned right before I heaved again.
“Oh shit,” Jess cursed. “Sarah, did you eat the turkey, too?”
I heaved again.
“We both did. I made sandwiches.”
“Gunner, run and go get Claudia.”
Hearing his boots hit the floor fast, I knew Gunner was running.
“Hang on, sweetie,” Jess said before yelling. “Bailey!”
Moments later, I heard, “Yeah?”
“I think Sarah has food poisoning, too. Go up to the clubhouse and get rid of all the fucking food in the fridge. Tell the brothers not to eat anything. Then call the house-keeping service that King keeps on retainer. We’re gonna need them to do a deep clean. Claudia and I will be up there as soon as we get Sarah situated. Did you eat the turkey?”
“Fuck, no. I don’t touch anything those bitches cook and, for good reason, apparently.”
“Do you know how to cook?”
“Only if you want me to kill everyone. I burn water, woman.”
“Okay, I will see if Beth will help.”
“Babe, I’m gonna head up to the clubhouse to check on the others. I will call when I get there.”
“Thanks, honey,” Jess muttered, rubbing my back as I heaved again.
God help me. I felt as if I was dying.
“I’ll go with him.” Bailey quickly said, leaving me alone with Jess.
“Am I dying?”
Jess sighed. “No, but you’re gonna wish you were soon enough. Just try to breathe in between throwing up.”
“What about the baby?”
“The baby is fine. I’m more worried about dehydration.”
By the time Claudia showed up, word had had trickled down the mountain that the club brothers were sick as dogs along with the club whores.
However, it seemed the only one immune was Gunner.