Page 81 of Gunner
That was all I needed as I drove my dick deep into her tight hole. White-hot cum erupted from the base of my cock and exploded into her ass.
Stream after hot stream of cum flooded her hot channel.
My climax lasted for what seemed minutes before my dick finally stopped pulsing. My legs were weak as I stepped back and stared at the sight before me. Cum dripping from her swollen pussy and tight ass. It was hands down the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
Damn, I was one lucky son of a bitch.
Chapter Twenty-One
Holy shit balls, batman!
That was the most intense orgasm I’ve had yet.
Who would have thought sticking a dick up my ass would cause the be all, end all of all orgasms?
Not me!
But now that I knew, I was definitely going to be doing that again right after I stopped at the pharmacy and bought Gunner a bottle of multi-vitamins and a case of protein shakes. While he was in top shape, he wasn’t as young as he once was.
Every little bit helped, right?
Zipping up my shorts, I scooted out of the back seat, pulling down my tank top. “I need to run by the house and shower and change my clothes. Then I have to get something in town. Want to go with me?”
Gunner pouted, pulling me closer to him. “I thought we’d watch a movie and cuddle?”
I chuckled.
This man was incorrigible.
“Maybe later, after I shower. I am dripping.”
“I like you dripping.”
Kissing his cheek, I removed myself from his embrace.
“Be that as it may, I don’t. It feels like I am pissing my pants. Not a comfortable feeling.”
Walking over to the workbench, I grabbed my purse and keys.
“Babydoll, I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
Turning to face him, I shook my head. “No. I loved every minute of it.”
“Stay with me. We can shower here and just be lazy for the rest of the day. I’ll even paint your toenails. I’ll sneak into Scribe’s room and grab his kit. He’s got all kinds of colors to choose from.”
I cocked my head. “Scribe paints his toenails?”
Gunner chuckled. “The kit was a joke from one of his sisters. She said since he’s a prissy boy about his hair, then he needed to man the fuck up and paint his toes.”
“Has he ever used the kit?” I asked curiously, hiding my grin.
“Not that we know. But there is a running bet in the club that he does.”
“Well, as much as fun as it sounds to veg-out and do nothing while you paint my toes, I really do need to shower and change my clothes. Since I don’t have a change here, I need to head home.”
“Fine,” Gunner sulked. “Walk away after I give you the best orgasm in the world. I feel used.”