Page 85 of Gunner
“About what?”
“Your wedding?”
I flinched.
What wedding? I wasn’t’ getting married. Well, not yet, at least. I just claimed Sarah. I was getting used to that. Besides, didn’t weddings take time to plan and shit? I was going to use that time to warm up to the idea. Besides, I haven’t even asked her yet. How could I marry her without asking her first? Wasn’t there a rule or something?
“Mike wants a date set soon. Preferably in the next week or so.”
“What’s the rush?”
“You knocked up his daughter!”
“But I just claimed her. I was gonna wait on the other thing.”
King shook his head, walking towards his office. “Hunting season starts next month, Gunner. It is not my job to protect you from gun-toting fathers. You are a grown ass man. Man the fuck up and just marry the girl already. Marriage is inevitable for you two, even without the baby problem, and we all know that. So, grow some damn balls, bite the bullet and get it done, fast. And that’s a damn order!”
The door slamming ended the conversation fast.
Now that King gave his damn decree, it looked as if I was getting married. Heading back to the bar, I took a seat next to Frank and Priest, who were slowly working on their second beer.
“You two doing okay?” I asked, reaching over the bar, grabbing a beer for myself. If I was about to ask Sarah to marry me, then I needed some fortitude. I wasn’t opposed to marrying her. Would have liked her father’s blessing, but I wasn’t going to ask him again. Just remembering that conversation gave me the hives.
“Food poisoning is no joke, man,” Priest muttered. “My stomach is still sore.”
“I’m good,” Frank smiled. “Thanks for asking.”
“So other than being sick, how did it go in Rhode Island?”
Priest shrugged. “He was gone by the time we got there. Your brother handed everything over to the local police. It’s in their hands now.”
“That doesn’t sound like him. King doesn’t trust the police.”
“That’s why before he turned everything over to them, he made sure the Rhode Island Chapter of the Soulless Sinners had copies. He even sent copies to Montana, just in case the fucknut headed to New York City. Montana told King he’d take care of it.”
“And the files on Sarah?”
“They are all gone. Sypher wiped them.” Priest stated before taking another drink. “The shit I saw. Gunner, you would have lost your shit if you were there. What that fucker did to those girls? I hope the Sinners find him and show him the sinner way. Men like him make me sick.”
“Was it that bad?”
Frank nodded. “Yeah. He only took pics of Sarah. What he did to some of those girls was just wrong, brother. Your girl was smart to get away when she did.”
“Fucknut had a buyer for Sarah, Gunner.”
“He was going to sell Sarah to some man in Europe who wanted a virgin. Fucker paid Carter one mill to have her shipped overseas. Frank is right. Your woman was lucky.”
“GUNNER!” Bailey shouted, running into the clubhouse, flustered and out of breath.
“Jesus woman. I’m right here. Why are you yelling?”
King walked out of the office, hurriedly reaching for Bailey. “What’s wrong, cupcake?”
“The drugstore,” she gasped.
“What about it?”