Page 13 of Mine to Promise
“No,” she snaps. Her voice goes a bit too loud, and heads turn to look our way. “Neither.”
“Fine, we’ll meet at a neutral space,” I tell her, not wanting her to get in trouble or lose her job.
“I leave tomorrow to go back home,” she says softly, her voice almost in a whisper.
“I’ll text you, and we can see where we can meet.” I stare at her in the eyes, the same eyes I got lost in that one night.
“Sounds good.” She nods before she looks over my shoulder. “Your girlfriend is looking for you,” she says before she turns and walks away from me. Her dress swishes from right to left as she quickly exits the room to go to the back somewhere.
“Hey,” Jenna says as she comes and puts her arm around my waist. “You ran off.”
“Yeah, I was looking for the bathroom.” I say the first thing that comes to my mind, and it sounds like a bunch of bullshit.
“Oh, where is it?” she asks me.
“I got sidetracked talking to one of my cousins,” I fib to her and spot a server walking around. “Can you tell me where the restroom is?”
“Through those doors.” He points at the doors off to the side. “I can show you.”
Jenna smiles at me before she turns and follows the guy out of the room. I let out a huge breath that I was somehow holding. “I need a drink,” I admit to myself as I turn to walk and then see Avery running in my direction. Her laughter is infectious, and I could listen to it for the rest of my life.
“Hey,” I greet, squatting down in front of her. Her little hand pushes her hair away from her face as she pants from running. “If it isn’t Princess Avery,” I say, and she smiles. “How old are you, Avery?” I ask her, even though I know the answer, but just to make sure I’m not dreaming it.
“I’m four,” she states, holding up her whole hand as she tries to bend her thumb in, making me laugh.
“Who is your little friend?” My father shocks me when he walks up beside me.
“This is Avery,” I tell him. He looks down at her, and then he looks back at me. He does it so fast it’s like he got whiplash.
“Um…” he starts, but his voice trails off. His whole face is filled with all the questions that I have myself.
“Not now,” I tell him.
Avery looks at my father, unaware of what’s going on around her. “I’m a princess today,” she announces, holding the side of her dress while she twirls on one foot.
I swear I see a tear in my father’s eye. “You are the most beautiful princess I’ve ever seen,” my father compliments softly, squatting beside me to get a better look at her.
“Okay, bye,” she says right before turning around and rushing back to the kids she was running with.
“What the fuck is going on?” my father grits between clenched teeth, his voice very, very low. The both of us still squatting down.
“Um…” I start to say because I have no idea what the fuck to say. Not sure he would like, “I just ran into the girl I had a one-night stand with, and I have a daughter.” In fact, he would probably kick my ass from here to outside the universe.
“Either I need to get my eyes checked or…” he says, pointing at Avery.
“Not here,” I say, getting up.
“Then I suggest you walk out with me.” His voice is tight, and I can see that if I don’t go with him, he’s going to grab me by my neck and drag me out of here, just like he did when I was younger.
I nod at him as we pass everyone chattering and enjoying the wedding. Some have even decided to go and sit down at a table.
We walk out of the barn and go toward the groom’s house where we got ready at before. Away from the noise. When we get close enough, he turns around. “Care to tell me what the fuck is going on?” My father, who is usually cool, calm, and collected, sounds like he’s about to freak the fuck out.
“I just found out,” I tell him, my heart speeding up as I run my hand through my hair and then hold my neck.
“What do you mean, you just found out?” He glares at me.
I think about lying for about one point two seconds but know I can’t, not with him. If anything, I’m going to need all of his help. “We had one night together,” I finally say.