Page 14 of Mine to Promise
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” He throws up his hands. Yup, exactly how I thought it would go.
“I literally just found her today,” I tell him, shaking my head. If this were anyone else, I would be laughing at the whole situation, but now that I’m in it, it’s no laughing matter. “When I went into the bride’s suite, she was just as surprised to see me, and then Avery came in, and I was shocked. I had no idea what the hell was going on.”
“Well, what about Avery?” He says her name with a softness to his voice.
“All I know is she’s four, and she wants to be a princess.” I smile. “And she likes to twirl.” My chest fills up. “And she’s fucking perfect,” I say, knowing three things about her.
“This is a big deal, Stefano.” His tone is softer now.
“You think I don’t know that, Dad?” My voice rises. I’ve always been in control of everything. I’ve always been cool, calm, and collected, something I got from my dad. I treat everything like it’s a chess game. I sit down, patiently waiting for the next move, already having my opponent’s move in my head so I can come in and steal the king. But this situation is pushing me to the edge of the cliff, and I feel like I’m hanging on by the tips of my fingers.
“This isn’t just a deal that you can go in, sweep up, and then leave when you’re done.” He makes sure I’m looking at him while he says it. As if my saying I have a daughter hasn’t cemented the situation in my brain.
“Dad, I get it.” I’m frustrated because I do get it, and there are questions I didn’t even think of.
“You don’t even own a house.” He points out another reason that I am not ready for this. “You live in hotels.”
“I have a condo.” I roll my eyes at him.
“I have a condo.” He points at himself. “That I let you stay in.”
“I thought you said I get it when you die.” I try to crack a joke to ease the nerves.
“Stefano,” he hisses.
“Dad, I got it,” I say, my voice tight. “Trust me, I fucking got it. I’m not ready to be a father. I don’t have a house. I don’t know what to do with a kid.” I look back at the barn and see Avery standing, holding Addison’s hand as they talk to Sofia and Matty. “I got it,” I repeat softly, knowing that I really don’t have it. “If I don’t, I’m going to get it.”
“What do you need from us?” Clarabella asks me when she finds me on the side, looking around the space to make sure everything is running smoothly. Shelby and Presley start to walk our way.
“I think I’m good.” I smile at her, trying to get my heart to return to a normal beat. It’s been beating too fast and feeling like it will come out of my chest. Either that or I will yack all over the place.
“This decor,” Shelby appraises, taking a sip of her champagne, and I’ve never been more jealous of a person in my life. “It’s spectacular. We’ll have to put this online and in a brochure.”
“The little touches with the tree stumps.” Presley points at the center of the tables. “It’s the little details like that which make it perfect.”
I can’t help but smile and breathe a sigh of relief. “I just hope that it’s everything she’s wanted. I tried to think back on everything she told me from the beginning.” I glance around the room, spotting Sofia with Matty walking around, taking in everything. The smile hasn’t left her face since she walked down the aisle. I’m just happy my little situation didn’t put a damper on anything. The phone buzzes in my hand, and I look down to see my timer has gone off. “Okay, I need you guys to take your seats,” I tell them. “It’s showtime.”
“It’s showtime?” Clarabella asks me, confused. “I thought showtime was her walking down the aisle.”
“It’s time for food. Now get to your spots.” I clap my hands. “Chop-chop.” I smile at them at the same time I nod to the singer of the band who comes on the microphone.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” she says in her smooth, soft voice, “if everyone can get to their seat, it’s time to get the party started.”
I zigzag through the room until I’m in front of Sofia and Matty. “Hi,” I say, “it’s time for the main entrance. Follow me.” I motion with my head as we sneak out of the side of the barn, walking around it.
“Where are we going?” Matty asks.
“There is a secret back entrance here,” I inform them. “The stairs lead to the second floor, where you guys will come out, and you’ll make your way down the staircase in front of everyone.”
“Love that,” Sofia says, “and in case I don’t tell you a million times today”—she grabs my hands—“everything is beyond perfect.”
“You did good, Addison,” Matty adds, putting his arm over Sofia’s shoulders.
“You can’t make me cry,” I hiss at both of them. “Now I have to go into the kitchen.” I open the side door. “Go.”
“Damn, she’s bossy when she’s in charge,” Matty teases me as he puts his hand on the lower part of Sofia’s back.