Page 46 of Trick or Truce
Me:This is the dress I have in mind for Noah tomorrow.
Grant: Hell no.
Me: You don’t like it?
Grant: I do. Which is why she can’t wear it.
Me: It’ll look more appropriate on her. Her chest is much smaller than mine was at that time.
Grant: No kidding.
Me: Are you staring at my boobs, sir?
Grant: I think we both know the answer to that.
I fightto keep the features on my face even when Simone comes back from the bathroom. But something is different about her. She looks worried.
Simone picks at her thumbnail. “Hey, listen. I have to talk to you about something.”
My eyes snap to hers. “Okay…”
“Remember when I said I was supposed to get my period the day of my wedding?”
“Did you get it?”
She shakes her head. “And I won’t be getting it for a while.”
For a while?
I glance at her glass of iced tea, and it hits me. “Oh my god. Simone…”
Her bottom lip trembles. “I don’t want to upset you, but you’re my best friend, and I need to share this with you.”
I jump out of my chair and wrap my arms around her. “I could never be upset. You’re having a baby.”
“I haven’t told anyone yet.” She buries her head in my shoulder and sniffles. “This wasn’t part of the plan. It’s too soon. We’re just getting married.”
“That’s okay.” I rub her back in soothing circles. “You’ve been together since you were in high school, and you’re both settled in your careers. It’s the perfect time for a baby.”
She pulls back and her eyes bounce between mine. “You’re not mad?”
“Why the hell would I be mad?” I brush the tears off her cheeks. “Is that what you were worried about?”
Her shoulders slump as she nods. “I know this is difficult for you.”
I grip her face. “Listen to me: I can’t have kids and that will always make me sad. But that doesn’t put a damper on my best friend having a baby. This is a happy moment. Do you understand?”
She nods and another tear falls. “You’re going to be a godmother.”
Emotion constricts my throat. “And you’re going to be a mom.”
She wraps her arms around me, and we cry while everyone around us stares. I point at Simone and shout, “My best friend is pregnant!”
People cheer and clap, and Simone laughs. “I guess I have to tell my mother now that everyone in The Cheesecake Factory knows.”
I arch a brow. “You know she’s going to start buying things as soon as you tell her.”
“Which is why I was holding off.” She shakes her head. “I am not ready to start planning. I just got done planning a wedding.”