Page 47 of Trick or Truce
“You have time. I’ll help you with whatever you need. You just let me know when you’re ready.”
“You’re a good friend, Len.” She covers my hand with hers. “You deserve to be happy. You should talk to Grant and see where things go.”
There’s a reason for everything, and I can’t help but think that maybe Grant and I crossed paths because of this very reason. I can’t have a child, and he already has his own. One of the reasons I’ve shied away from dating after my divorce is because men my age are looking to create a family. It’s awkward telling them that I can’t have kids on the first date, yet I wouldn’t want to waste anyone’s time.
Maybe this is the perfect situation for me.
Maybe we’re perfect for each other.
Maybe Grant is waiting for me to make the first move.
Maybe I should.
Maybe I will.
At the endof the night, I drive home without turning on the radio, needing the silence so I can calm the racing thoughts in my head.
I toss my purse onto the entryway table when I get into the house and shed my coat as I head upstairs. I kick off each shoe and change into my cozy sweats. Then I bury myself under the covers in bed.
And I cry.
I let it all out.
I’d never let Simone see this. She deserves to be happy and not feel an ounce of guilt or try to suppress it for me. It’s not her fault. It’s not mine either. Life happens without regard for anyone’s feelings, and we have to roll with it. I knew this day would come. I knew I’d have to watch my best friend have a baby. And I knew it’d hurt.
But knowing it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
When I turn off the lamp on my nightstand, a text from Grant pops up on my screen.
Grant:What does the Gingerbread Man use to make his bed?
I wipemy eyes with the back of my hand and smile as I type out a response.
Me:I don’t know…
Grant: A cookie sheet.
Me: *laughing emoji*
Me: That was good.
Grant: Goodnight, Elena
Me: Night *kiss emoji*
“Close your eyes.”
“Okay, they’re closed.”
“Don’t open them until we tell you to,” Noah shouts.
“Got it.”
Noah stifles a laugh. “He’s so not into this. He hates surprises.”