Page 14 of Pure Evil
From the moment that sun kissed her shoulders and directed my gaze her way.
From the moment I set eyes on a pure and natural beauty that has remained untarnished in perfection.
From the moment she sat before me with interest, but nothing more.
From the moment I realized I need Purity Sanders in my life more than anything else because she is the woman who will bring me revenge.
Delicious revenge on the Dark Lords. Yes, Purity Sanders was mine the minute she blew in off the sidewalk and it will be intriguing to see what she thinks about that when the realization dawns on her innocent, trusting spirit.
We are met by a large car with a chauffeur holding open the door. It reminds me of when I first knew my father had visitors. I came home from school and saw the car waiting outside. The chauffeur smoking a cigarette and hiding behind black sunglasses.
When I saw Gabriella, I was spellbound. She was the most exotic person I had ever met in my life, and I was in awe of her. I still am and as I sit beside her in the luxurious interior of the car, a shiver of excitement passes through me.
I did it. I escaped Heaven, and I knew coming to Chicago was the best option for me. She promised she would help me, and she is. This job sounds appealing, fun even and I can save for an apartment, perhaps. Start my life on my own terms and work my way up and maybe someday I will be qualified for a job in a place like Gold Hawk Enterprises.
I’m trying not to think of the man who owns it. Hopefully, I won’t ever see him again because working for him was a scary proposition. Spending twenty-four seven with a man who scares the shit out of me wasn’t even worth the ridiculous amount of money he offered me.
No, this is better. On my own terms and in my own time, I will work from the bottom up. I’m free at last. This is what I came here for, and I’m confident my decision is the right one.
* * *
We headout of town and the landscape changes to countryside and fields. This is more like it. What I’m used to even and I relax for the first time since I came to Chicago. I have somewhere to live and a job and a friend in Miss. Sinclair. She is kind and I really do believe is helping me find my way.
We soon reach our destination and I’m not surprised we never spoke at all. She is obviously an important woman because she spent the entire journey on her phone. Mainly texts and emails but the occasional call too and now I know why Gold Hawk was no place for me. The only phone I have is one loaned to me and there is only one number programmed into it. My one-way ticket out of here if I need it. Protection against danger, that’s what this is and so I sit happily in the knowledge I’m probably never going to need it.
The car pulls up outside a huge mansion house and I stare in awe at luxury the like of which I have never seen.
The chauffeur opens the door and Miss. Sinclair says quickly. “We’re here, Purity. I’ll introduce you to Mrs. Collins. She’s the housekeeper and in charge of the girls.”
I nod, grateful for someone to show me how things work, and as we head inside, I stare around in awe at the crystal chandeliers and decadent furniture that welcome us in.
The walls are mirrored and make the interior appear ten times its size and I wait nervously beside Miss. Sinclair, as an older woman, approaches us.
“Mrs. Collins.” Miss. Sinclair says abruptly. “Meet Purity. I trust you will make her feel at home.”
The woman nods and looks me up and down, almost as if she is assessing me.
“Perfect.” She smiles and yet I notice it doesn’t reach her eyes.
The two women exchange an expression I can’t make out and Miss. Sinclair says quickly, “I’ll leave her in your capable hands. Good luck, Purity. You know where I am if you need anything.”
I’m a little worried that she leaves, but as soon as she does Mrs. Collins says abruptly, “Follow me. I’ll settle you in.”
We head toward a room set close by the entrance and I note we are in an office of sorts. A glass desk is positioned in the center and there is a wall of white cupboards behind it. Another huge chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and she gestures to the chair in front of the desk and says curtly, “Please sit.”
I do as she says, expecting her to explain the job role and how things work, and I’m surprised when she reaches into a drawer and removes a leather case.
“We have some procedures to follow before you enter the premises.”
“Procedures?” I enquire and she nods, snapping open the lid of the box.
“I need to inoculate you against a virus we are currently experiencing high levels of. It keeps you safe, along with the rest of us.”
“I don’t understand.”