Page 15 of Pure Evil
I wasn’t expecting this at all, and Mrs. Collins says with exasperation. “Don’t question me, Purity. This is for your own good.”
She takes out a needle and a phial of liquid and approaches, grabbing my arm roughly.
“I don’t…” I make to pull away and she says sharply, “Don’t resist me, girl. This is for your own protection.”
I shake my head because I am not agreeing to this until I know what it’s for and then I scream as she plunges the needle directly into my arm and empties the contents into my veins.
“How dare you!” I shout and she shrugs and returns to her seat, calmly placing the needle back inside the box.
“I don’t hang around, Purity, and what I say goes. Now. Your uniform.”
She nods. “Remove your dress.”
Once again, I shake my head and she sighs heavily. “You are not making this easy for me. Do you want me to restrain you and rip it from you instead?”
“Why are you doing this?” Something is very wrong, and I wonder why Miss. Sinclair brought me here and then I discover the hard facts when Mrs. Collins snarls, “You will strip, wear this uniform and when the men arrive, you will entertain them. You live in this house by our rules and do everything we tell you to. Your whole existence is to pleasure our visitors, and if they like it, they pay you well.”
The tears pour down my face as I stand and say with a sob, “No. This isn’t the job I came here for.”
“Sit down.”
She snarls and I ignore her and head to the door and wrench it open. I run straight into a broad chest and scream as two arms lock tight around my waist and I am carried back into the room and held against the wall.
“Strip her.” Mrs. Collins says with no emotion in her voice, and I scream when the dress is torn from my body, along with my underwear.
I am crying and struggling to breathe with the giant’s hand around my throat and as Mrs. Collins stands before me, she says critically, “She’ll do. Are you a virgin?”
“Of course.” I gasp, because what’s that got to do with it? Then I’m horrified when she says coldly to the man holding me, “Deal with that.”
I gaze in disbelief as he tugs down his pants and I gasp in horror as his huge cock springs free and he growls, “Spread your legs.”
I don’t even register what happens next because suddenly, the door crashes open and I hear a gruff, “Move away now.”
I am dropped immediately and as I slide down the wall, I note the horrified expressions on the faces of Mrs. Collins and the brute who held me.
I turn to see the murderous expression of the man who escorted me to Mr. Vieri’s office as he holds a gun out in front of him. Another man tosses me his jacket, which I use to cover my naked body, and I tremble at the animosity in the room as the first man speaks.
“Come with us, Purity.”
I need no further invitation and scurry to his side as Mrs. Collins says fearfully, “I’m sorry, Miss. Sinclair brought her here. I wasn’t aware she was protected.”
The man doesn’t even answer her and just lowers his gun and says darkly, “Nobody must ever know she was here. I am holding both of you responsible for that.”
“But Miss. Sinclair…”
“Will be reminded of her position.” He says gruffly and then he turns, and I note the gleam in his eye that doesn’t make me feel any safer with him.
“Come. There is no job for you here.”
“My purse.” I say slightly breathlessly, and he nods to the man who tossed me the jacket, and he retrieves it, pressing it into my outstretched arms.
“We’re leaving.”