Page 39 of Pure Evil
A gentle knock has me reaching for the toilet tissue and wiping my mouth clean. I wish like crazy I was alone because this is a disaster. I wanted to be a woman Killian would be proud of. Not someone who can’t stomach the fine cuisine and alcohol that cost more than my father probably makes every month.
“Purity, unlock the door.”
Gina says, slightly anxiously and with a heavy heart I do as she says, and her concerned expression causes the tears to well up in my eyes.
“Honey, what’s wrong?”
“The food.”
I place the lid down and sit on the toilet seat, hoping she doesn’t notice me kick off the hated shoes. My feet are throbbing, and my stomach is raw, and I have never been more uncomfortable in my life. The diamond choker is strangling me, and I am struggling to breathe, courtesy of the tight-fitting corset thing Killian made me wear.
She shakes her head and whispers, “I’ve got you, honey. Take a few deep breaths and I’ll fetch you some water.”
I hear the tap run and am grateful when she heads back with an apologetic, “I’m sorry, this paper cup is all they have by the water cooler.”
I drain it in one go, desperate for the cool liquid to calm my raging thirst.
She crouches down and takes my hand, saying softly, “Is everything ok, honey? You can tell me. I can help you.”
For some reason, her kindness weakens me and causes the tears to spill down my flushed face.
“It’s nothing. I’m not used to alcohol and that food. Well, I’m not used to that either.”
“What are you used to?” She smiles and I shrug. “Plain country cooking and water. That’s all I usually have.”
“Then you met Killian.”
She is being so nice, I sniff and raise a small smile.
“Yes. He is educating me on how to be socially acceptable.”
Her eyes flash with anger as she says through gritted teeth, “I bet he is the bastard.”
I’m surprised at the venom in her voice and say quickly, “You sound angry at him. Why?”
“Because he is manipulating you, Purity. It’s what he does.”
“I don’t understand. He has been so kind to me. He is the first person who has since I came to Chicago.”
“Tell me how you met.”
Her sharp gaze stares right through me and I say with a shrug. “I applied for a job, and he gave me this one.”
“What job?”
“His wife.”
Her eyes widen and she glances over her shoulder and says quickly, “Listen, honey, whatever arrangement you have with Killian is best kept between the two of you. He won’t like it if you tell everyone the nature of your relationship.”
“Why not? We are getting married. Isn’t that what marriage is, a business contract?”
“Is that what you think?” She appears horrified and I consider my own parent’s marriage and everyone else’s in Heaven and say in confusion. “It isn’t what I think. It’s what I know.”
“Where did you say you were from?” Gina is staring at me as if I’ve fallen from space and I say miserably, “Heaven. Not the … well, you know, the town.”
She holds up her hand and sighs heavily. “Now I understand.”
“You’ve heard of it?” I’m shocked because nobody has ever heard of the town called Heaven, but she obviously has.