Page 40 of Pure Evil
“Jefferson was talking about it yesterday. I overheard him on the phone and questioned him about it. He told me it was a place that lived by its own rules and was governed by a preacher. It doesn’t sound the kind of place I want to visit, but it appears you grew up there and know no different.”
For the first time since I arrived in Chicago, it’s as if somebody actually understands me, and I smile gratefully.
“I ran away.”
“Good for you.”
Gina reaches for my hand and says softly, “Let’s clean you up before Killian kicks the door open and comes for you.”
It makes me giggle. “He wouldn’t do that.”
“You don’t know him very well, do you?”
“Do you?” I enquire and note the slight flush to her face as she says quickly, “We have met before.”
She busies herself by rummaging in her purse and she pulls out a brush and a stick of gum.
“Here, chew this. It will take away the bad taste in your mouth. You can brush your hair and I have some make-up to repair yours.”
“Thank you. I really…”
She holds up her hand and appears a little sad. “Don’t thank me, honey. It’s what anyone with compassion would do. Anyway, tell me about your marriage. When is the happy day?”
“I couldn’t tell you. Soon I think.”
She sighs heavily and stares at my reflection in the mirror and says softly, “I wish you luck, Purity, but if I may offer you one word of advice.”
“Please. I could use some.” I turn, eager for any help at all, and she leans closer and, to my surprise, hugs me, whispering, “Just don’t fall in love with him. Guard your heart above everything because that man is incapable of loving anyone.”
“Love!” I’m astonished and pulling back, say with a slight shake of my head. “Since when did love enter the arrangement? A marriage is a business contract. Love doesn’t even feature in that. I’ve known that my entire life, which is why I am happy my own was through my own negotiation and not my parents.”
She appears a little stunned and her eyes fill with tears that she blinks quickly away as she whispers, “Forget I said it. Of course, you’re right. Love has no place in your marriage to Killian. It’s only business, after all.”
She turns away and I resume brushing my hair, feeling a lot better now than I did when we first entered the room. I’m upset that I wasted the expensive food, but I couldn’t keep it down. Wishing I could dispose of the heels as easily, with a sigh, I inch my feet back into them and wince as they crush my toes.
Then, with a final check on my reflection, I follow Gina back to the table.
As soon as I see them return, I can tell something has happened that sharpens my claws. If Gina has spoken out of turn, her employment contract will be terminated along with her life. I leave no loose ends and over familiarity is often a cross I must bear, but the warning expression in her eyes is directed at me, telling me she has heard something I should know.
I stand and pull out Purity’s chair like a gentleman, noting that Jefferson remains seated while Gina deals with her own chair. He is subdued and obviously deep in thought, and I take his distraction to stare hard at Gina as I push in Purity’s seat. She nods imperceptibly and I will undoubtedly have a full transcript of their conversation by the time I make the journey home.
Gina Di Angelo is one of my paid spies. A woman who stands high in society courtesy of her parentage. An heiress if you like who took a walk on the wild side—with me. She fell hard and deep and soon became a useful part of my organization, gathering information and passing it to me for more money than her daddy gave her each month. She loves the thrill, the danger and is driven by adrenalin, and it inevitably led her to my bed. We were good together until she wanted more. I cut ties and made it clear this was a business arrangement and nothing more and now, strangely, she is one of my most trusted employees.
However, I’m not one for sentiment and realize that everyone can be bought, so I keep her in her place and use her when the occasion dictates.
She has been ‘dating’ Jefferson Stevenson for three weeks already. They are the newest hot couple in town and big news. Her mission was clear. Discover his secrets and report back. I’m aware she can’t stand him. It’s evident in her eyes when he’s not looking, however, to his face, she is deeply in love with him, which is why I would be sorry to lose such an accomplished spy.
Purity sips her water and I note she has slipped the shoes from her feet, causing me to frown. As I sit beside her, I tuck her hair behind her ear and whisper in a low voice, “Put those god-damned shoes back on and learn to walk like a lady. Do not let them conquer you. They are just fucking shoes.”
She stiffens and yet maintains her cool facade and it angers me when she kicks them away a little further and says to Jefferson, “How long have you been together?”
I can’t believe what I’m hearing and hate the amused twinkle in Gina’s eye as she notices my displeasure.
Jefferson glances up as if he’s forgotten where he is and says quickly, “Three weeks, give or take a few days.”