Page 15 of Second Chances
I snatched the paper from McNally’s hand and scanned the listing. Now that I had it in my grasp, I saw that it was several sheets of paper with multiple pictures, a description of amenities, and a map.
Besides the beautiful photos, the first thing that caught my attention was the wordseclusion.
“Millie picked it because it’s close to shopping and a couple towns, yet it’s far enough away that it has privacy. There are also hiking trails, swimming, fishing, and a hot tub.”
I also noticed that even though it was labeled a cabin, it had all the amenities that I had in my own home. Dishwasher, washing machine and dryer, television, and Wi-Fi. It even had a some of things I didn’t, like a wood stove.
It only had one bedroom with a queen-size bed, but there was also a couch.
The price on the page was a little steep, but the location and amenities seemed worth it.
I looked up at McNally. “I’ll take it.”
“But if you just look at the pictures again—” He cut himself off. “Wait. Really?”
I chuckled. “Yeah, really. I have a friend who is going through a little bit of a rough time right now. She also has a temporary roommate she can’t get rid of. I think I’ll show her this place to see if she’s interested. She needs a vacation.”
“Wow. Thanks, man. I will send you the information to your email, and I will email the property owners and CC you.”
“Sounds good.” I lifted the packet in my hand. “Do you mind if I keep this?”
“It’s all yours.”
I pulled out my phone and found Chloe’s number. We had exchanged numbers when I went to visit her.
Me: What are you doing next weekend?
After I hit Send, I realized that if she had plans next weekend, I’d just wasted my money. Here’s to hoping she was free.
While I waited for her to respond, I pulled up the website on the listing so that I could send her the info once she got back to me.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to wait for her message back to me because a call came in, and Martin and I left to take it.
* * *
Work had been so busy that I hadn’t had a chance to look at my phone all day and I’d shoveled in my lunch in front of the computer. Some days, I hated working retail and wished I had gone the hospital route.
But the second my shift was over, I grabbed my purse and got out of there before something major happened and I was required to stay.
I said good-bye to the ladies at the checkout of the store, put on my sunglasses, and slipped out the front door.
Once I got to my car, I unlocked my phone to check for any missed calls and messages.
My mom had called twice and left at least one voice mail. I wasn’t surprised because she had been calling me all week after my emergency room visit. But I’d already decided I would talk to her later. I did send her a quick text though to tell her that I was fine and I was driving home from work.
I also saw that I had a message from Liam. Since the night he’d come over, we had been texting back and forth a little. Things likehow are you todayandwhat are you up to. But today, he asked me what I was doing next weekend, and my stomach did a little somersault.
Me: Nothing too exciting. Probably some grocery shopping and laundry.
I hit Send and wondered if I’d sounded like a loser. I wasn’t in high school or even college anymore, so I shouldn’t worry about trying to make my life sound more exciting than it was. But some instincts ran deep, and I mentally kicked myself for not coming up with something better than buying food and washing dirty clothes.
I was just about to put my car in reverse when Liam responded.
He sent me a website link.