Page 16 of Second Chances
After looking it over, I messaged him back.
Me: It looks beautiful there, but I’m not sure why you sent it to me.
Liam: You said you were stressed out from having Savannah at your place all the time. And I know you usually spend the anniversary of your freedom from Darren at home, but I thought you could just as easily drink wine, eat some of your favorite foods, and watch your favorite movies at this cabin. I thought it would also give you an excuse to get away and relax.
The anniversary was the Monday after that weekend, and I thought it was super sweet that he’d thought of me, but I was disappointed. I had secretly hoped that he was going to ask me out.
Now, I had to tell him thanks, but no, thanks. It did sound heavenly, but the cabin wasn’t close, and I didn’t want to pay the fee I had seen on the website to be alone.
I tapped my chin.
However, the money might be worth it to send Savannah there for the weekend. I didn’t know how easily I could sell her on a place that highlighted seclusion and privacy though.
I sighed. It was better just to tell Liam no.
I started typing out my politeno, thank youwhen another message from him came through.
Liam: Oh, I forgot. I didn’t want you to assume we’d share a bed together since there is only one. I am more than happy to sleep on the couch. Or on the bed. ;-) Also, I am more than happy to go hiking or fishing and leave you alone for a while when we’re there.
I almost dropped my phone.
A weekend away from Savannah and with Liam.
I couldn’t tell him yes fast enough.
Iwoke up with a stiff neck as Liam’s SUV bounced around. I opened my eyes to see a steep dirt road.
“We’re here,” he said with a quick look in my direction.
I leaned forward. “Perfect timing,” I muttered as my eyes caught the beautiful surroundings.
Since it was spring, there was green everywhere, except for the brown wooden cabin at the top of the hill. It literally looked like it could be in a movie.
“It’s adorable.”
“It’s even better in person,” Liam agreed.
He parked his SUV close to the building, and I got out and stretched my legs. The air was chillier up in the mountains than it was back home, and I was glad that I had packed pants and sweatshirts.
Liam opened the back of his vehicle and pulled out the cooler we had packed with food for our three-and-a-half-day adventure.
It was Thursday evening, and I had taken Friday and Monday off of work. A few weeks ago, I hadn’t thought I’d be able to get time off on such short notice. I guessed it had taken me going to the hospital for my store to finally realize that they could find people to help out and cover our open shifts.
I pulled out Liam’s and my suitcases and shut the back of the SUV. Meanwhile, Liam had set the cooler down and was pulling a picture off the front of the cabin.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
He put the frame back and turned, waving a silver object back and forth. “Grabbing the key.”
“That doesn’t seem like a safe place to put it,” I said as I rolled our luggage to the entrance.
Liam unlocked the door, swung it wide, and picked up the cooler he’d set at his feet. “I don’t think they leave the key here all the time. Just before guests arrive.”
“It still doesn’t seem very safe.”