Page 22 of Betrothed
I pulled out the letter and handed it back to her to read.“Whatever happens, we’re going to figure it out,” I promised softly.
“Thank you.” Her fingers fluttered along the paper, trembling as she unfolded it.
Now it was my turn to feel my heart pound against my chest. This wasn’t even my kid, but all I could think about was what I’d do—all the things I’d throw at this bastard if he tried to keep Kenzie from her son.
Her eyes whipped over the paper. “He agreed.”
Two words, and I could breathe again.
She looked up at me and back at the paper. “He agreed, right?” She shoved it at me, her hand shaking. “Tell me I’m not imagining it.”
I scanned the letter from her ex’s attorney.Robert Crawford on behalf of Stan Klinger.My mind translated the legalese into simple fact.
There were a handful of stipulations in the letter—a recent urine test proving she was clean. Confirmation that she’d completed a certified rehabilitation program. But nothing out of the ordinary before the final sentence conceded to Kenzie’s request.
I met her glistening violet gaze. “He’s agreed to a supervised visitation on Sunday afternoon at a park in the city.”
“He agreed.” Kenzie let out a strangled cry, and before I could realize what she was doing—or stop her—she launched herself at me. Into my arms. Holding me tight as she shook with relief and cried into my neck.
“I’m going to see him. I’m going to see Jake.” The whole of her weight caved against me.
I couldn’t imagine the relief she felt—the happiness she felt—knowing she was going to see her son after all these months. But goddamn if I wasn’t suffering my own kind of euphoria having her back in my arms.
I should’ve pushed her away, but I was a weak man. An addict craving another hit of this attraction. I was too weak to not close my eyes and savor the feel of her barely clad curves pressed against me. Too weak to not breathe in deeply her lemon sugar scent that lingered everywhere she went. Too weak to stop my restraint from crumbling like a sand castle against the sea.
I wasn’t sure exactly when it happened—when the rush of her excitement ebbed, and she realized the position we were in. But we’d definitely crossed into the territory of heavy breaths and electric heat. I felt the tips of her hard nipples, and there was no way she could mistake the solid ridge of my erection jammed against her stomach.
“Zeke…” she murmured and slowly tipped back.
I should’ve released her then—the second I realized we were in forbidden territory—but she didn’t unwind her arms from my neck, so I didn’t unwind mine from her waist. Instead, I lost myself in the lavender sea of her eyes.
“Yeah.” My voice was rough—edged with desire. I’d finally convinced her to trust me, and now I was going to fuck it up because there was no hiding how bad I wanted her.
Her eyes lowered to my mouth. “Why didn’t you?”
“Why didn’t I what?”
I tensed when her tongue slid out and wet her bottom lip. God, if it were up to me, I’d give that tongue a whole fucking cock to wet, root to tip.
“Why didn’t you kiss me the other night?”
Her question freed a broken groan from my chest.Fuck. I hadn’t been imagining it.She’d wanted me to kiss her as much as I’d wanted to do it.
And now, my muscles vibrated with the strength it took to stop me from remedying my restraint.
“I couldn’t,” I ground out. There was no point in trying to lie. Not like this. Not with my dick standing taller than the Empire State Building between us.
Her breath caught, and she angled her head up, her lips hardly an inch from mine.“You should have.”
My head dropped lower. I wanted to kiss her so damn bad I swore my heart threatened to stop if I didn’t. But I couldn’t…I couldn’t.
Our breaths crashed into one another like hot, heavy waves, sinking us deeper in their fury. I clenched my jaw so tight it felt on the brink of fracture. I couldn’t move, every muscle in my body taut with desire.
I felt like I was standing in a pool of gasoline balancing a hundred lit matches on my shoulders; one wrong move, and I’d send all of this—all my duty, all my professionalism, all my restraint—up in flames.
And I wouldn’t do that.It didn’t matter what I wanted—what we wanted. There were rules in place that would only end up hurting her if we broke them.