Page 23 of Betrothed
“You’re a resident and my employee,” I insisted, my voice low and strained. “The only thing I can do—should do—is help you.”
It felt like it would’ve taken less strength to simply break my arms than to willingly let her go, but somehow, I managed to pull them back.
“I should probably go unless you have other questions about the letter.”
Heat flamed in her cheeks as I reached around her and opened the door, the rush of fresh air doing nothing to ground the electricity that still sparked in the small room.
“Who supervises the visit?” she stopped and asked.
I scanned the letter again and handed it to her. “It doesn’t specify, so I’m assuming his lawyer. If you want someone else, you’ll have to petition a judge—”
“No.” Kenzie shook her head, understanding that it would delay her visit with Jake if she chose to dissent. “That’s fine. As long as I get to see him.”
My chin dipped, and I stepped around her. “Good night.”
I stopped, a shudder tearing through me. The crimes I would commit to hear my name husky on her lips every day were as countless as they were wrong.
“Yeah?” I croaked and looked back.
She had her bottom lip pinned between her teeth, and her eyes flicked between me and the letter. It was her hesitation that got me—that made my spine straighten and tingle in anticipation.
Whatever it was—whatever she was going to ask, I wouldn’t be able to refuse. I’d used up all my strength letting her go.
“If Stan’s lawyer is going to be there, does that mean my lawyer can be there, too?” She let the letter fall to her side.
“Kenzie…” There was no mistaking where she was going with this.
“Will you go with me on Sunday?”
With her. To see her son.
Something wrenched inside my chest. Anything. I’d promised to do anything I could to help her, andthiswas the first thing she asked of me.
I wanted to go, that wasn’t the question; it was the problem. I wanted to be there for her. I wanted to meet her son. I didn’t know what the situation was with her ex, but I wanted her to know she had someone there.And I wanted him to know she had me.
“Please.” Her soft plea was my undoing.
I kept crossing lines, almost breaking rules because of how I felt about her. Christ, I’d wrapped my hand around a man’s throat like a psycho and threatened him with things that would have me disbarred faster than the drop of the gavel. The last thing I needed was to inflate the feelings I had for her, but I couldn’t stop myself.
Because she needed me.
“Of course,” I murmured, my voice low. Our gazes tangled for another moment before I left.
The reality was I would do whatever it took to help her… even if resisting her temptation killed me in the process.
“So, what’s he like?” Zeke’s voice pulled my attention from the window.
I turned as his gaze flicked over the console of his Jeep Cherokee and caught mine. We’d ridden in silence since he picked me up from the house twenty minutes ago.No wonder he was trying to make conversation.Meanwhile, my mind was racing. I’d hardly slept last night, and my stomach was in knots.
“Who?” I shifted in the passenger seat.