Page 4 of Wilder Ever After
“It is for me. I’m just passing.”
“I don’t mind aging,” Doris said. “It’s a gift many people aren’t given. Like our dear departed husbands, for instance.” She pursed her lips and gave us all a little look. “I bet they would happily don some diapers for the honor of growing old.”
Her words, though playful, hit me harder than I liked. I glanced up at the photo of Bruce again.
“Well, that’s depressing.” Marge shook her head. “Thanks for tossing a big pot of water, dousing out our good times.”
Doris frowned. “Well, I didn’t mean to be depressing. I just meant it’s the truth. We should be so honored to get the chance to grow old. Especially, grow old together.”
Her sweet smile warmed me back up again, and from the looks on Marge and Alice’s faces, it warmed them back up too.
“Well, I think it’s high time we put a little skip in our steps today.” Alice leaned down and pulled a bottle of whiskey from her purse.
“Oh, no! No way!” Doris swatted the air. “I’ve had my fill of whiskey, thank you very much.”
Marge grinned. “What? You afraid you’re gonna puke again?”
Doris’s wide eyes and her enthusiastic nod answered the question. “Yes! I was green for two days!”
“You really were.” I laughed at the memory.
“Tradition is tradition, ladies.” Alice spun the bottle in her hands. “We are at our one-year anniversary for our Wilder Widows adventure, which means we drink some whiskey, and then later, we pull out the first wish from the basket.”
My heart rattled with excitement at the thought of another adventure with my best gals.
“We’re really doing this again?” Doris asked, worry creasing the lines deeper in her face.
“You bet your sweet ass we are.” Marge slapped her thigh. “Give me that whiskey, and let’s get this show on the road!”
“That’s my girl!” Alice opened the bottle and took a swig, then handed it to Marge.
“Do we want glasses?” I arched a brow.
Marge took a big swig, finishing with an “ahh.” “Save the glasses. Straight from the bottle this time, ladies.”
With excitement fluttering inside my stomach, I took a swig next, handing it to Doris after the burn singed the back of my throat.
“Oh, I don’t know, girls.” She stared at it like a nuclear bomb that may detonate at any time.
Alice leaned forward, her piercing gaze narrowing with a sly smile. “Because you drank whiskey last time, you ended up on the adventure of a lifetime and with a hot cowboy husband who curls your toes in ways you’ve never imagined. Drink the whiskey, Doris. Let’s see what happens this time.”
Doris chewed her lip, then passed a nervous glance between us. Finally, she let out a deep breath and took a big swig.
“Whoo!” Marge cheered as Doris choked down the strong booze. “The Wilder Widows ride again!”
We all joined her in a cheer, each taking another long swig from the bottle.
“I missed you ladies.” I reached across the small space separating me from the couch and pulled Doris’s hand in mine, then across to Alice and clutched hers. Doris grabbed Marge’s hand, and the four of us sat smiling at each other.
The Wilder Widows.
Together again.