Page 5 of Wilder Ever After
With whiskey lubricatingour tongues, the widows and I rolled with laughter as we caught up on all the past events since we’d last gotten together. Alice and her many love affairs. Marge and the many eccentric moments of living out her life as a lesbian. Doris finally spilled the beans about the hot sex ... and the hooties ... she’d been having with Axel. And I just went on and on about how happy I had been after finding Tom again.
Marge choked on her laughter as she finished a story. “And then the drag queen hooked a heel in the crack in the floor, and all six foot six of her came crashing down on top of me like a freaking sequoia tree had met its match with a lumberjack, and I was the poor woodland creature beneath it! I swear when I finally climbed out from under her, I thought I’d broken my shin!”
We howled along with her, visions of Marge at a drag club crushed beneath a dancer burned into my mind for eternity.
“I can’t even imagine!” Doris’s shoulders shook with her laughter.
“Oh, I can imagine,” Alice added. “I can imagine because I was there! I saw the whole damn thing go down. I even screamed at her to move, but maybe I should have been yelling timber!”
We laughed harder, my soul refilling with every laugh, every smile, and every moment spent with these ladies.Myladies.
Wiping the tears from my eyes, I let out a long sigh. “Wow. That is too much. I wish I could have seen that.”
“Me too.” Marge finished her chuckles. “You would have thought it hilarious.”
We all sighed in unison, catching the breath laughter had stolen from us.
Needing to rehydrate my parched mouth, I took a sip of my water.
“Hey! That’s not whiskey!” Alice scolded, lifting the bottle and shaking it at me.
Waving my hands at her, I flopped back in my seat. “I need a break. I’m wasted.”
“Same,” Marge agreed.
“I feel funny again.” Doris held up her hand and looked at it. “It’s not shaking this time though, so that’s good!”
“They will shake tomorrow,” Marge said. “The hangover is what brings the shakes. And the pukes.”
Doris puckered her lips tight. “Oh, no. I don’t want the shakes and the pukes again.”
“Then drink some water. It helps to hydrate.” I pushed her glass at her, and she guzzled it down.
“Amateurs.” Alice rolled her eyes and took another swig from the bottle.
“Wow. I sure am gonna miss sitting here with you ladies,” I admitted, standing up to fill up the pitcher of water again.
“What does that mean?” Doris asked, and I froze in my tracks.
“Oh.” I spun toward them a little too fast and nearly lost my balance. The countertop steadied me as I gripped it. “Um, I have something to tell you, girls.”