Page 15 of Shae’s Bounty
“Hey!” I shout. My hand tightens around the trigger while I unhook the hose with my other, pointing it at the closest slug.
All eyes swing around to me.
The feline alien looks shocked, and then angry. The other male—the iguana alien—and the slugs just look surprised, except for the first one to pull the gun, who is leering creepily at me.
“Well, well, where did you come from?” the slug slurs, looking behind me for Danielle. “And where is my beauty?”
One of his eyes stalks twitches towards the two males. “Dispose of these two,” he orders his men—mollusks? —then he starts slithering his way toward me.
Hell if I’m going to let these guys just shoot two innocent aliens.
Setting my jaw, I hitch the extinguisher up higher in my arms and squeeze the trigger. Instead of the cloud of powder I expect, a fine mist of liquid spews from the nozzle.
Disappointment punches me in the gut. Damnit, can’t I get anything right?
Then the screaming starts.
* * *
The soft voice carries, drawing my attention, as well as the attention of the Mozops. My head snaps up, and there she is. Like a vision, standing tall—or as tall as her short stature lets her—with a pissed-off look on her lovely face and holding a canister of replicator saline.
A second later, the Mozops turn their blasters on her, and the shock of seeing her quickly wears off, replaced with a rage unlike any I’ve ever felt before.
What the fuck is she doing? Is she trying to get herself killed, or worse? And all she’s got to defend herself is some saltwater?
When one of the Mozops starts toward her, something in me snaps, and I take a step to intervene… just as she squeezes down on the handle and coats everything in brine.
Stupidimpulsive female!
Except then, something I never could have expected happens.
One of the Mozops begins to wail. Followed by the other two, until all three are screaming and writhing…and melting.
What the fuck? I look up at the female, whose eyes have gone as round with surprise. The horrified look on her face tells me she had no idea this would happen. Over my shoulder, Zell has a similarly surprised expression.
Covering my nose against the putrid smell that’s filling the room, I shuffle back several steps when the Mozops begin to spread across the floor in a red ooze. Another look over my shoulder reveals Zell making his way over to me, careful to avoid the mess.
On the other side of the growing puddle, the other female has joined mine. I watch as the canister slips from my female’s hand and rolls into the boiling pool of goo. She looks pale, and like she might be sick. I can’t say I blame her.
The Mozops are thrashing weakly as they continue to disintegrate, their pained cries echoing off the walls. The sight is… unpleasant.
“We need to go,now,” Zell growls next to me.
He’s right. Kurrahstka, or at least his guards, will be here anytime. I’m actually a bit surprised they’re not already. But I’m not going to complain.
Jumping over the growing puddle, with Zell right on my heels, we hurry over to the females.
“We’ve come to rescue you,” I tell them.
My female’s eyes narrow, and her head cants to the side. “Oh yeah?” She glances at the mess she’s made. “I think I beat you to it.”