Page 16 of Shae’s Bounty
Zell chuckles behind me, and I grit my teeth and ignore him. “We can argue over semantics later. We need to leave before Kurrahstka shows up.”
That sobers her.
“Yeah, okay.”
Behind her, the taller female leans down and whispers something into her ear.
“What choice do we have?” my female whispers back. “It’s them or Kurrahstka.”
The dark-skinned female clenches her teeth and inhales sharply through her nose as she gives us a wary look. She doesn’t trust easily. Smart girl.
“We’ve been tracking both of you since the auction,” I tell them, hoping they’ll trust us and quickly. “I’ve been in contact with one of the females you were with when you were taken from your planet.” I let the lie roll easily off my tongue.
The dark-skinned female folds long arms across her chest. “Oh yeah? Who?”
Who, indeed. I rack my brain, trying to remember what Treto called the female he mated. “Blaylah? Belvah?”
“Bela?” she suggests.
“That’s the one. She’s mated to a male I know. Happily,” I add quickly.
“Bela… isn’t she the one with the fucked-up translator?” the tall female whispers to my female, whose eyes widen in recognition, and then she nods.
“We need to hurry.” I try to gentle the growl in my voice, but I don’t miss the way my female glances from Zell and me back to her friend. Who will she trust?
She takes hold of the other female’s hand, and they seem to communicate without words for a moment. Finally, the taller female deflates and nods.
“Okay, get us out of here then,” my female demands.
I want to scoop her up into my arms, but instead, she begins to jog in the direction I point, and I’m forced to follow after her instead of leading the way.
The sound of Zell’s laugh has me glaring at him over my shoulder before I hurry to catch up with the females.
I direct them down two halls before we finally reach the bay where Zell’s cruiser is hiding. Just our luck, two Pizats appear in front of us. The one on the left looks at the females with disappointment, as if they’ve done something they should have known not to. The one on the right is looking at Zell and me with unchecked malice.
It doesn’t escape my notice that both have blasters, and we’re unarmed.
“And where the hells did you come from?” asks the one glaring at Zell and me.
The other one motions to the females. “You two come with me. You’ve made quite a mess.”
My hands clench at my sides, and the stub of my tail twitches. Like hell am I going to let my female go with either of them. My body is thrumming with gathering energy, but I force myself to appear outwardly calm. Waiting…
Beside me, the females stay put. Their eyes dart between the Pizats and us, waiting to see what we are going to do.
I’m about to sayfuck itand throw myself at the male glaring at me when he glances over at the females. His attention is only off me for an instant, but it’s all I need. The second his eyes dart away, I lunge. I shove the blaster he’s holding to the side, gritting my teeth when it kicks from an energy pulse when his finger squeezes the trigger, but the shot goes wide.
Next to me, Zell rushes the other Pizat.
The hall is filled with grunts and the soft thuds of fists hitting flesh. It isn’t long before I’m overpowered by the much larger creature and flipped onto my back. He’s nearly twice my size and has weight to his advantage. But I’m nimble, wiry. And I fight dirty.
When he tries to shift his weight to his knees, spreading his legs around mine, I force my knee up and rack him in the stones with enough force to drive the breath from his lungs.
“Youkurvingfucker…” he wheezes as his green face turns purple. Instead of bringing him down, I’ve only made him angrier, and he swings his blaster, aiming it in my face. There is no remorse in his beady eyes. No hint of compassion or benevolence. He’s going to blow my head off.
I’m still gripping his wrist, but his rage has made him stronger, and my arm shakes from the useless effort to turn the blaster away. I feel sweat bead across my forehead as his finger puts pressure on the trigger.
Vittu! This can’t be it, can it?