Page 29 of Sasha’s Bounties
Swinging around in my seat I see Bretting hovering just outside the backdoor in the shadows.Goddamnit! Can’t they trust me for five fucking minutes?
Swinging back to my dad, I plaster a fake smile on my lips, “Um, give me a second.” Then I jump up, grabbing my straw hat hanging next to the door on my way through.
“What are you doing?” I hiss, pushing him off the porch and into the shadows beyond the floodlight.
“We were worried when you entered the dwelling and didn’t come back out,” he hisses back.
“Oh myGod,” I whisper-shout, pressing a fist to my forehead. “We agreed you would stay on the ship unless I wasn’t back in an hour.An hour!I’ve been gone for ten minutes.”
Reaching out, he swipes the pad of his thumb under one of my eyes, “You’ve been crying.”
“Happy tears,” I assure him gently, taking hold of his hand and bringing it to my lips for a kiss. “I promise, they are happy tears.”
Damnit, I can’t stay angry at him when he’s sweet like this.
“Sasha?” my father calls from the doorway.
I huff out a deep breath. There is no way I can avoid bringing Brettin inside now that he’s been seen.
Pulling him down so I can kiss him, I shove the straw hat on his head to hide some of his horns and tell him, “Humans don’t have horns, so you’re gonna have to hide those when you meet my father.”
It’s comical, the way Brettin’s eyes widen at the mention of my father. When I told him and Vruk all about my family, I never thought I’d see them again. Grabbing hold of his hand, I pull him behind me, back up onto the porch and into the kitchen.
“Dad? I’d like you to meet someone.” My smile is nervous. “This… this is… Brett. Brett—uh, Vruk. My, uh, my husband.”
My fathers eyes nearly bug out of his head at the mention of a husband.
Brettin places the hand not clutched in mine over his chest and bows low. “I’m honored to meet the male who sired such a fine woman.”
Daddy’s mouth drops open and his eyes flick back and forth between us while I try my hardest not to face-palm so hard.
“And what did he just say? I’m not sure I even recognize what language that is.” Daddy asks me. “And what do you mean byhusband?”
Oh, shit!Of course, he can’t understand him, he doesn’t have a translator.
“Oh, right. Um, Brett’s not from around here. He said he’s pleased to meet you.”
“And, how did you say you met him?” Daddy asks slowly.
“He was… backpacking and got lost. He wandered out of the fields and just… whisked me away. It was very whirlwind romancy.”
“Uh-huh. And… is he feeling alright? His coloring looks a little… off.”
Glancing beside me, I notice Brettin’s lavender color is looking a bit grey in the fluorescent kitchen lights… which is turning out to be more noticeable than I expected. “Oh, yeah, he’s fine. It’s just the … lights in here.”
The longer we’re standing there, the more skeptical my dad is becoming.
“Um, I’m just going to show Brett to my room. We’ve been traveling for a long time and I’m sure he’d love a shower and to crash.”
Before I can push Brettin out of the room Daddy slowly steps in front of us, his eyes boring into Brettins before he sticks out his hand, “Welcome to the family, son.”
* * *
* * *
“Welcome to the family, son.”