Page 30 of Sasha’s Bounties
I’ve never been anyone’s son. But this man, my Sasha’s father, is accepting me as his own. I am beyond honored.
I hold out my hand the same way he holds his to mine, and quickly realize I’ve done it incorrectly. The older male quirks a bushy brow before clasping my hand in his and shakes his head.
“My Sasha has always had a soft heart,” he says as his hand clamps down on mine and his eyes narrow, forcing a surprised grunt out of me. “You break her heart and I’ll make you sorry.”
Prying my hand from his grip I absently rub it. This elder is a lot stronger than I gave him credit. Beside me, Sasha is trying not to laugh.
“Never.” I tell her father. He nods, understanding me despite our language differences.
His eyes soften when he turns back to his daughter, “Don’t think you’re off the hook with this, but I need to get. Your mama will be worried about me and I’ve got to call the rest of the family and let them know you’re back. I’d expect a whole lot of company come morning.”
“Thanks for everything, Daddy.” Sasha says, wrapping her father in a warm hug and rocking from side to side with him.
“I’m glad you’re home, Sasha-girl. You had us all mighty worried.”
“I know I did, I’m sorry.” She glances at me from over his shoulder and smiles, “Everything just sort of… happened so fast.”
Pulling back her father sighs loudly, “It’s been a long time, but I still remember how it felt when I met your mama.”
I don’t miss the sad expression they share and remember Sasha’s mother has a mind-wasting disease. How tragic. It’s obvious he loves her dearly. I begin to wonder, we have a medbot on theSovereign… would it be able to aid in healing her? Maybe even reversing the damage entirely? I decide to speak with Sasha about it later, as we walk her father to the door.
Sasha and her father embrace once more, and he shakes my hand again, before striding across the deck and into the night. A few moments later, a loud engine turns over and we wave as a rusted earth vehicle drives past.
“Ok, I think it’s safe to get Vruk.” Sasha says, sagging against me. “We’ve got to come up with a story to tell everyone tomorrow and only tonight to figure it all out.”
Before I can tell her she’s needlessly worrying, Vruk appears in the doorway.
“Is everything alright, Sasha?” He asks, wrapping her in a warm hug.
“Everything is wonderful,” she sighs.
“We should take our little mate to bed, she’s had a long day, and if what her father says is true, tomorrow will be an even longer day.” The three of us turn away from the door. As Sasha leads Vruk up the stairs I circle the house, making sure all the doors and windows are locked and the lights have been turned off, before following my family.
* * *
Six months later…
I wake to soft kisses down my spine.
“Mmm,” I hum as a large pair of hands circle my waist, sliding around to cup the gentle swell of my belly at the same time a warm tongue teases the skin just above the clef of my ass.
“My mate was making needy little noises in her sleep,” Vruk growls, dragging his nose back up my spine to the back of my neck where he inhales my scent. “Does she need her males to sate her?”
Holy God, the erotic dream I’d been having is still fresh in my mind, even as embarrassment creeps up my throat. What kinds of sounds was I making?
I just hit the six-month mark in my pregnancy, and my hormones are in overdrive. Now it seems I can’t even get a break while I’m sleeping.
“Yes,” I whine as Brettin nips at my shoulder and a hand slides around to cup one of my heavy breasts. “Yes, I need you. Both of you.”
“Then open those pretty thighs for us,Imuri,” Brettin says, as he slides his hand between my legs, teasing my slick folds. “Good girl, you’re well on your way to being ready for us.”
I squeal when Brettin lifts me up and sets me astride Vruk, trapping his thick cock against my pussy. Behind me, Brettin’s cock is nestled between my ass cheeks. Suddenly my core has its own heartbeat and heat flares low in my belly at what I know is coming.
“I need you,” I whine again, starting a slow rock of my hips, sliding up and down Vruks cock. Behind me I hear the snap of a lid followed by Brettin’s fingers coated in a thick layer of cool lube around my asshole.