Page 16 of The Gangster's Prize
I knew Bax was the key, though. This gang leader had unlocked some secret part of me, and I wasn’t certain I wanted to close it back up just yet.
He threw open the carriage door and helped me down. We were parked directly in front of my home on East Sixty-Eighth Street.
Bax started up the walk and I instantly dug in my heels. I couldn’t have the neighbors see Billy Baxter escorting me to my door, especially at night. One never knew who could be peeking out their window. “This isn’t necessary. It’s perfectly safe here.”
He slipped on his derby and tugged me toward the stoop. “You’re mine for the foreseeable future, Belle. I take care of what is mine.”
The possessive words sent a riot of flutters through my belly. I lost my will to fight him and went along to the door.
Once there, he held out a hand. “Key.”
I dug into my small bag and retrieved the house key. I held it, not handing it over. “Do you think I’m safe here? After they took my father, I mean.”
He lifted the heavy metal piece from my fingers. “I can have a few of the boys come and watch your house at night, if you’re worried.”
“Bax, you don’t need—”
“Belle,” he said, his voice tight with impatience. “If it helps you rest easier, then I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The flutters expanded behind my breastbone. From dressing me in the carriage and now sending his men to stand guard, Bax was certainly looking out for me. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. But fair warning—if I think you’re at risk here, I won’t hesitate to make you stay elsewhere. Understand?”
I plucked the key back from his hand and swiftly unlocked the door. “I’m sure that won’t be necessary. You’re going to help me get my father back.”
“As long as you keep doing what I want, yeah?”
“I already gave you what you wanted.”
“Hardly. In fact, I’ve now thought of something else I want.” He crowded closer. “Do you touch yourself? Between your legs, I mean.”
“That is a very personal question.” The words came out breathy and surprised rather than annoyed.
“Yeah, it is. What’s the answer?”
I considered stalling, but there was no point. I’d agreed to play his game in exchange for my father’s rescue. “Yes. Happy that you’ve embarrassed me?”
He closed his eyes, as if in pain. “Jesus, I’m getting hard again just imagining it.” He looked at me intensely. “Listen carefully. Once inside, I want you to go to your room, remove all your clothing and slide into bed completely naked—”
I inhaled sharply. “I couldn’t possibly—”
“I’m not finished.” He set his hands on my shoulders, keeping me in place. “Once in bed, put your hand between your legs. Pet your pussy with your fingers. Tweak your nipples and cup your breasts. Rub your clit. I want you to imagine it’s me the entire time, that it’s my hand giving you pleasure. Keep at it until you climax. Can you do that for me?”
I should’ve been scandalized by such an order. How could he discuss these things so openly, so frankly? What if someone overhead him?
But part of me liked it. No one spoke to me like this. Yet Bax did.
Bax talked to me as if I were a real person, with thoughts and opinions of my own. Could I do what he was asking?
If it meant pleasing him, then I knew the answer. “Yes.”
“Good girl. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.” He jerked his chin in the direction of the door.
“Wait, what about tomorrow? Where am I meeting you?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll find you.” With that, Bax opened my door and guided me inside. “Sweet dreams, widow.”
When I was finally inside, I didn’t hesitate to hurry upstairs and follow his instructions to the letter.