Page 17 of The Gangster's Prize
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After giving Pete directions,I climbed back into my carriage. Matty was waiting inside. She said, “It smells like sex in here.”
Ignoring her, I dug into my coat pocket and pulled out my cigarette case.
That resulted in a sigh. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Matty and I grew up on the streets together, our lives intertwined for what felt like forever now. Lovers once, but not for a long time. Instead, she watched my back along with the other guards, and I trusted her opinion. She was fierce and loyal, and one of the smartest people I knew.
She was also one of the few people to whom I ever explained myself.
“I do.” I knocked on the roof and called out, “To Lisette’s.”
Matty snatched the cigarette out of my fingers and brought it to her lips. “Your little bird put you in the mood for more pussy tonight?”
As if I’d want another woman with the image of Belle sucking my finger still tattooed on my brain. “No. I asked Charlie to bring that package over to Lisette’s bordello for safe keeping.”
Her eyes rounded. “You’re joking.” When I lifted an irritated eyebrow, she started laughing. “She really has a hold on you, doesn’t she?”
“Fuck off, Matilda.” She hated when I used her given name. “I made a promise and I mean to see it through.”
“If you want to fuck her, then do it already. There’s no reason to drag it out.”
“It doesn’t work that way,” I said. “She’s innocent. Well bred. She’s only interested in saving her dear old dad.”
“Too bad she doesn’t know he isn’t worth saving.”
We were in agreement on that. “I want eyes on her house.”
“Why the fuck would we bother?”
“Because I want her kept safe.”
“She’s in no danger, Bax. Unless it’s from you.”
I struck a match and held it up to my fresh cigarette. “I would never hurt her.”
“You sure about that?”
I blew out a stream of white smoke. “Walsh saw us together. He might try to get to me through her.”
“Which is why I already put Sad Pete and Timmy on watch at her place.”
Damn, Matty was efficient. “Thank you.”
“Just as long as we’re clear on how this ends. I know you never apologize, but—”
“I have no intention of apologizing.” Apologies were for weaker men. I was the leader. I had to make decisions and stand by them.
“She’s not yours to keep.”
“I know,” I barked. “Leave it, yeah?”
We rode south in silence. I closed my eyes and continued to smoke. Was Belle following my instructions right now? Was she strumming those delicate fingers over her clit? Fuck, I’d give anything to see her pleasure herself. To hear her gasps and sighs as she climaxed.
God knew I didn’t deserve her, but New York wasn’t about what you deserved. It was about what you couldtake.