Page 18 of The Gangster's Prize
I’d risen from nothing to sit atop an empire of violence and corruption. Never had any kind of formal education. All my knowledge came from the streets and from whatever books I could find. I wouldn’t live long, not with enemies around every corner, but I had no regrets.
So if Isabelle Kelly wanted my help, then I would help. For a price.
Minutes later the carriage rolled to a stop and I threw open the door. Years ago I gave Lisette, a former lover, the cash to start this bordello and she’d done well for herself. The girls were here willingly, well taken care of, and everyone shared in the profits. They wouldn’t mind having an extended guest as a favor to me.
Charlie and Lisette were waiting in the entry when I went inside, Matty on my heels. Lisette came over first. “Bonsoir, mon ami,” she said in her fake French accent. “I see you sent over a gift?”
I kissed her cheek. “Yeah. I need you to look after my guest for a little while.”
“Bien sûr, monsieur. We have given him the Versailles room.”
“You’re too good to me. I appreciate it.”
“Anything for you, Baxter.” Drawing closer, Lisette brushed a lock of hair off my forehead. Her voice lost its French accent as she spoke quietly. “You look tired. Are you going to stay a while? I could find you some company.”
It wasn’t an unusual request, and the answer would’ve been different last night. Before Belle arrived at the fights with a pistol. “Thanks, Lizzy, but I’ve got more to do and it’s already late. Take good care of my guest, though. Whatever he wants, yeah? I’ll cover the cost.”
She nodded. “Will you tell me who he is?”
“No, and it’s gotta stay quiet. Make sure the girls know.”
“Of course. They won’t talk.”
“Good. Do me a favor? Bring me a pencil and paper up there. I need him to write something down for me.”
“His last will and testament?”
I chuckled. “Not quite, but close.”
She trailed her fingers over my jaw. “You sure you won’t stay? I have some time.”
I shook my head and kissed her temple. “Can’t, not even for you. If there’s a problem, let me know right away.”
“I will,” she said with a sigh and drifted toward her office.
I approached Charlie. “Any problems?”
“He got a little rough, but the boys handled it. No idea why anyone would fight an extended stay at Lisette’s.”
“He won’t resist for long. A flea on a dog has more restraint. I give it a week before he’s fucked his way through the house.”
Charlie chuckled and held out the room key. “You going up now?”
“Yeah. Thought I’d welcome him to his new temporary home.”
“Want me to come with you?”
I took the key and clapped his shoulder. “Not necessary. Go home and get some sleep.”
“Thanks, Bax.” Starting for the door, he nodded at Matty as he walked past. “Night, Matilda.”
Her expression didn’t change. “Fuck off, Charlie.”
I took the stairs to the second floor, Matty close behind. I didn’t bother knocking. Instead, I threw open the door and strode inside. My prisoner was stretched out on the bed, his hair and clothing disheveled. He sat up slowly when I entered.
“Hello, Kelly.”