Page 36 of Mile High Baby
"He said he was sorry for what he’s said and I told him I wasn't.”
She arched a brow as she took another bite of her carrot.
“I don't mince words. Everything I said was the truth."
She sighed. "He can be stubborn. Was he so hard-headed when you were younger?"
I hated being reminded that I was so much older than her. “I don't know that I'd say hard-headed, but he always had a strong sense of right and wrong.”
“And you don't?"
I studied her, wondering what she thought of my less than stellar character. “Right and wrong is usually a matter of perspective.”
"He thinks he's right to take this trip and you don't because of the danger.”
"Life isn't so black and white. It’s filled with gray.”
She took another bite of carrot and my dick was about ready to pop his head out from the waistband of my pants.
“I should go. Your food is getting cold." I’d just made it to the door.
I turned, surprised to see she’d come after me, meeting me at the door.
Her eyes were wide. Her scent wrapped around me. My mind told me to step away, but I stayed put.
"Do you really think my father should have Pitney killed?"
"I was just pointing out that the problem with Pitney isn't going away even if he is arrested."
Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. Jesus fuck, how much I wanted taste her mouth.
"Would you kill someone if asked?"
Unable to stop myself, I hooked my finger under her chin and then rubbed my thumb over her lip. “Are you asking?”
Her breath hitched, but I wasn't sure if it was from my question or my touch.
Her phone rang, breaking the spell holding us. Shit. I stepped back, wondering how I kept forgetting she was off limits.
“I’ll leave you to get that. Enjoy your dinner." I strode out of her room and down the stairs, willing the exertion to dampen my desire for a woman I couldn't have.
I entered the kitchen heading to the bathroom, intending to take a cold shower.
“You made it. I have a plate warming for you.”
I stopped short at Mrs. Tillis's words. She sat with Knightly and Caroline at the table in the middle of the kitchen. I'd been so consumed by Victoria, I hadn't noticed them.
I cleared my throat and searched for polite words to tell her that I changed my mind.
Mrs. Tillis rose from the table and pulled a covered plate from the oven. She removed the foil, setting the plate on the table and smiling up at me expectantly.
"I'm sure Mr. Sterling doesn't want to join us," Knightly said. "No doubt Mr. Banion would think us impertinent to ask. "