Page 5 of Cuddly Demon
I introduced Onyx to a bunch of technology last night. My laptop mystified him, as did my Xbox. He's still having trouble wrapping his head upon things that feel like magic, but which are just powered by electricity.
"That's sad," I say, feeling a pang of sympathy for Onyx. "But I'm glad I summoned you. And freed you."
"Me, too. It's great to breathe the fresh air again. And see the beautiful sun."
Onyx murmurs something deep and low. A foreign language I've never heard rumbles free from his lips, one that sends shivers down my spine.
His words are like a spell, and I can't help but feel myself being drawn in.
"What language is that?" I ask, lifting my gaze to meet his.
"It's Etruscan," he responds, his voice soft. "I picked it up after I left Hell as a young demon. It's like a second nature to me."
Etruscan. I make a mental note to check if that's even spoken anymore. Or perhaps it's a dead language. How cool is that?
Onyx reaches up and brushes a strand of hair from my face, his touch gentle and tender. My breath hitches, and I can't help but smile.
"Why did you use it after looking at the sun?"
"It's a language of power, one of the many languages spoken in the ancient world. Demons always thank the sun for its gift of life. When we feel its rays on our skin, it reminds us of our home."
"Hell," I say matter-of-factly.
Onyx laughs. "Yes, beautiful boy."
A tingle runs through me when I hear my nickname, but I force myself to concentrate on the matter at hand. "Hell scares me. All those flames and dead people."
"Oh, it's not as bad as you think. The pools of fire are actually like hot tubs, and the dead souls are just people who didn't make a deal with us. We don't hurt them, we just watch them. Eventually, the souls that get released from their earthly binds move on to wherever they're meant to go. There's no judgment or punishment. Take it from me, the dead aren't much to worry about. It's the living that can be dangerous." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in close. "Don't be afraid. You have me now. I'll protect you from the true hell that exists here on earth."
I take in a deep breath, trying to process this. Demons, hell, the afterlife.
Yesterday, I wasn't even sure that I believed in demons. To be honest, I kind of rolled my eyes when that summoning video popped up on TikTok.
Now that I know the paranormal world is real, it's all so overwhelming. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I summoned a demon, let alone the fact that he's actually holding my hand while walking through campus with me.
"Don't be scared." Onyx must sense my distress. "I know you don't understand all this, but I'm here to help you learn. There's a lot I can teach you."
"When's the last time you went back home to Hell?"
"A little over three thousand years ago. Before my last master trapped me in the tomb."
I frown. "Your family must be worried."
"I think they are. I need to find a way to contact them."
Onyx cups my face in his hands and stares deep into my eyes. His gaze is full of understanding and tenderness, and a warmth radiates from his touch. He smiles, his eyes twinkling in the sunlight. "It's been too long since I've been home. But I'm sure one day I'll be back."
"I wonder what Hell is like for someone who's still alive," I say with a laugh. "I bet I'd turn into bacon."
"Not when a demon is accompanying you. You could come with me. You'd be able to meet my family and see Hell firsthand." Onyx brings his fingers to his chin. "Maybe you could even report back to humans that Hell isn't the bad place everyone assumes it is. You could change a lot of minds."
I'm learning more about Onyx every minute, and it's fascinating. He's not just a demon here to help me—he's a fully formed entity with his own thoughts, feelings and distinct history.
Dare I say that I'm learning more than I have in all my years of schooling. Biology, English, math—none of these subjects have intrigued me like Onyx.
"Can I ask you something?" I turn to Onyx.
He stops, his deep eyes radiating lovingkindness. "Anything."