Page 6 of Cuddly Demon
"Can I hug you real quick?" I shift my gaze down, unable to look at his face if he rejects me. "You're the first person I've connected with on this level in my entire life. I feel so safe around you, and while we haven't known each other for very long, my heart tells me that you're a good, good person. I'd like a hug to know that I'm not mistaken."
"You’re mistaken about one thing, beautiful boy."
I gulp. "Uh oh."
"You called me a person. I'm a demon. Luckily, you're right about everything else."
He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in close. I melt into his embrace, feeling safe and secure for the first time in my life. "Thank you."
Onyx presses a tender kiss to my forehead. "You're welcome. Now, I'd love to find out how you spend your time here on campus."
My belly rumbles. "Well, there's a delicious café I go to sometimes. I could introduce you to American food."
Onyx rubs his tummy. "Lead the way."
It's not long before Saint and I are digging into deli sandwiches, potato chips, brownies, and the most delicious-tasting iced drinks I've ever tried in my life.
Food has come a long way since the Bronze Age. I can't believe how tasty these treats are.
At the same time, I can't imagine they're very healthy.
I furrow my brow as I stare at the brownie. "This is too tasty to be good for you."
Saint grins, swiping a chestnut curl over his ear. "You're not supposed to eat brownies every day. I do, though."
My eyes narrow. "That's not good, beautiful boy. You need to take care of yourself."
Saint rolls his eyes. "You sound like my mom."
I take a sip of my drink, relishing the sugary sweetness. "Well, maybe your mom is right. You need to be kind to your body or else you'll regret it later."
Saint nods, taking a bite of his sandwich. "You're right. Maybe I'll start eating healthier."
I pat his hand, my heart swelling with warmth. "That makes me happy to hear. You're too cute to get health issues because you eat too many treats."
Saint makes a face. "I know, but life's too short to not indulge. When you're studying all day in the campus library, a yummy brownie can keep you going."
I nod, understanding his point. "I suppose that's true. Life is short, especially when you're a human. You need to enjoy it while you can."
"However," I add, "your life will be even shorter if you don't add some leafy greens to your diet."
It's important to protect the humans who summon you in all ways, shapes, and forms. Guiding them toward the correct path of healthy eating is a terrific first step. One of my uncles, who was a Demon Daddy to a sweet cherub named Angelo, taught me that. I learned quite about protecting beautiful human boys from him.
Saint's expression turns serious. "What was the food like in ancient times? Did you ever get tired of it?"
I sip my drink, thinking about his question. "Yes and no. It's hard to explain. I've seen so much, experienced so much. But at the same time, there was always new food to discover. When the Phoenicians introduced Middle Eastern fruits and vegetables to Etruria, I was a very happy demon indeed. We didn't have much processed food and our diet was all organic. There wasn't much of a way to process ingredients, unlike these treats here."
Saint lets out a laugh. "This is America. We like our sugar."
I smile again. "And there's nothing wrong with that. But someday, I'll whip you up a delicious authentic Etruscan meal that my brothers and I loved on weekends back in the day. It contains lots of fresh vegetables, lean meats, and homemade bread."
Saint's eyes sparkle with interest. "I'd love that. It sounds amazing."
I chuckle. "It is amazing. But you have to promise me that you'll eat your veggies."
Saint grins. "I promise. As long as you promise to teach me more about the paranormal world."