Page 17 of Saved By the Wolf
A gasp escaped me when he pulled me in even closer. He was twirling me around the ballroom among all the other guests, and I was having the time of my life. I hadn’t enjoyed myself this much in years—it was exhilarating!
Just as we finished a round of the ballroom, another guy cut in and proceeded to dance me around the room. And then another, and then another. However, the first guy always came back to dance with me in between dances. We never talked, nor did we ask each other’s names, but I swear he held me closer every time we danced. A small part of me relished the feeling of being desired.
Becca had stopped by a couple of times to make sure I was okay, and the smile that she left with made me happy. She knew I was clearly enjoying myself and was congratulating herself on a job well done. She’d managed to pull me from my empty apartment for a night out for the second time in three weeks. I owed her for it and knew I should take her out for a treat this week. I recalled a little boutique in town that she was always talking about. It would be the perfect place to take her to say thank you.
Decision made, I smiled at my dance partner, realizing we were now dancing toward the staircase. He stopped and gestured at it. “I’d like to show you something. Would you care to follow me?”
The look he gave me almost made me buckle at the knees. “Okay,” I said, and I was embarrassed at how breathless I sounded.
He must have noticed because a smirk crossed his lips. He led me up the stairs, and the whole time I followed him my heart was racing while my mind repeated over and over not to trip over my dress and make a complete fool of myself.
When we got to the second floor, there were quite a few people around. They were mingling or necking with their masks still on. We weaved between a few couples before he led me into a room. It was well-lit, and surprisingly, it was not a bedroom but more of a sitting room. There was a couple already inside, but as soon as they saw us they left. I looked over at my guy, thinking he must have some sway for people to move that quickly around him. He was definitely the silent, mysterious type.
“Wait here. I’m going to go get something,” he now said.
As soon as he disappeared into the connecting room, the magic stopped. It was too quiet, and my imagination started going wild as reality began to catch up. This wasn’t right. What crazy person followed a stranger to a private room where no one else knew where she was?
I had done it again—trapped myself. How stupid could I get?
I turned and started walking toward the door. That’s when I heard footsteps; they sounded heavier than the guy I’d come up here with.
“Leaving so soon?”
It was a voice that sent chills up my spine, freezing my heart. It was all I could do to continue breathing. I could not faint and be at his mercy! What did I do? What could I do?This wasn’t happening! This couldn’t be happening! How did he find me?Becca had said I was safe in this town—it was a small town, where everyone knew everyone else.Becca! I have to get back to Becca!My mind was racing, and my feet seemed unable to move. I felt helpless and trapped.
“I’ve missed you,” he now said.
With that admission, I realized it was too late to run.
A hand touched my arm, and I shuddered. I used to love his touch . . . until it became too strong. Until makeup couldn’t cover up what was best hidden.
“Have you missedme?” he pushed, his hand tightening on my arm.
He slowly turned me toward him. He had a bird mask on. Its beak was so long it hung below his chin. The mask covered his whole face, but I knew it was him. I could feel his energy wafting over me, threatening to take over my senses once again. Once upon a time, I’d thought I was lucky, that he was the best man I could ever have. The one who would take care of me forever. I was wrong. So, so wrong.
Somehow, I was able to find my voice. “Why are you here?”
“Same as you, sweetheart—to enjoy the ball, to dance and be merry.”
I felt his hand skimming up and down my arm, and I wanted to run, but my brain had disconnected from my feet. Then his fingers closed around my arm and squeezed it with a bit of force. Panic surged through me.
His mouth tightened. “Why did you leave? I know you said a bunch of words that day, but I know you didn’t mean it, Jill. I’m here to bring you home. You’ve had enough time to calm down.”
Bring me home? He knew I’d been hiding here all along?Oh goodness, I need to get out of here! I need to find Becca!
The door suddenly burst open behind me, and a group of girls came rushing in, laughing and having a merry time. When they saw us, they started excusing themselves, but the abruptness of their entrance was all I needed to jumpstart my feet again. My movement startled Rich, and his hold loosened.
I made a run for it, pushing through the girls. I heard curses flung my way, shortly followed by dull thuds as Rich came through the door after me, not caring whom he shoved to the ground. Did I really mean that much to him that he wanted me back? Or was he just mad at me for leaving him?All I knew for sure was that I did not want to find out.
He caught me just as I got to the top of the stairs, but I was ready for him and stomped my heel into his foot. He cried out in pain, much to my satisfaction, and I quickly turned to continue down the stairs. I felt pressure at the back of my dress just before I heard something rip. He’d grabbed onto the ruching!
Cool air hit my skin where the seam had come undone. The action left me unbalanced, and I tripped over my dress, twisting my ankle and banging my head on the banister. I felt something sharp pierce my face underneath the mask, but I told myself there was no time to check. Thankfully, the hand that came to help me was not Rich’s but another guest whom I had run into on my way down.
I glanced behind me to see Rich glaring down at me, his hands curled into fists. We held each other’s eyes for a moment before his flicked up to the people around me. In the next moment he retreated, disappearing into the crowd. I didn’t wait to see if he was coming back. I turned and thanked the people around me, who clearly thought I’d had a bit too much to drink, and hobbled the rest of the way down the stairs.
I didn’t bother looking for Becca or Brandon, instead making a direct beeline for the entrance. I asked the front desk attendants to call a cab, but only after I made them take off their masks so I could inspect their faces. All I saw were teenagers scared of the crazed lady inspecting them. They told me there were no cabs tonight as everyone was at the party, but that one of them could drive me home instead. I took the offer.