Page 18 of Saved By the Wolf
I stood out in the open where the ushers could see me and waited and waited and waited. I thought my heart would come up into my throat, and I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking.
Rich had found me. He was back. There was no running away—ever. He would always find me. I had to go home and pack, because there was no way I was going back to him. I would keep running from him for the rest of my life if that’s what it took. I couldn’t tell Becca, I couldn’t get her involved again. I couldn’t do that to her after what she’d just been through with me.
When a car pulled up with one of the teenage boys in the driver’s seat, I rushed inside without waiting for anyone to hold the door open for me.
The drive home was tense. When we got back to the apartments, I went to grab my clutch to pay and realized I didn’t have it. In the midst of everything, I had dropped it. It was probably still at the ball. I groaned and leaned back in my seat, crying.
The tears must have scared the boy because he immediately started assuring me that it was okay. He knew who I was, and I could pay him later, he said. I didn’t question how he knew me, but I let him mollify me and exited the car. He peeled away from the curb so fast I knew he was relieved to leave the crazy lady behind.
As I stood there on the pavement, I realized that without my clutch I didn’t have my apartment key. That meant I would have to find Miti and ask her for a spare key . . . except Miti had gone on a trip, and I couldn’t face asking anyone else right now. Which meant there was only one place I could go.
I headed into the lobby, happy to see it empty, and took the elevator to the garage. Being a forgetful person, I had stuck my second set of car keys in the wheelhouse. After finding the key, I slid into the driver’s seat and cried. This was it. He would find me here in my car and take me back with him. To do what, I didn’t dare imagine.
This was what I got for having hope.
Jill had smelled divine.Every part of me was screaming to go with her to the ball. To be there by her side and dance with her for the whole night. I knew she wanted that too. Her heartbeat had pounded like drummers in a marching band, calling me to follow, and my wolf was screaming at me to go. But it wasn’t right to do so; I couldn’t lead her on.
“You brought us here to intimidate her, didn’t you?” Bruno said, giving me a shove.
I looked up and growled at him before stalking into the living room.
“We don’t like being used like that,” Jacob called after me.
“Back off you two!” This was all a mistake. Everything. I shouldn’t have asked them to come here. I knew they’d give me a hard time, but maybe if this plan worked, listening to them complain would be worth it.
“She’s your fated mate,” Jacob stated.
“No she isn’t,” I growled, turning to look at them.
They were both standing in front of me with their arms crossed over their chests. I saw them give each other a look, and I knew they wouldn’t back down till I told them what was going on. But what was there to tell? I was having feelings that I shouldn’t be having, that was all.
“You know I already fated with Kit, and she left me. It’s not going to happen again.”
“You’re so dense sometimes, you know that? You never acted like this with Kit. Mom’s right; she should really take a rock over your head to knock some sense into you.”
I glared at him. That was a low blow bringing Mom into this. “You two should head home. I shouldn’t have asked you to come.”
“Nah, we’re staying tonight. Haven’t seen you in a while. You might as well tell us about this girl.”
I groaned, realizing there was no way I was getting out of this. “There’s nothing to tell. She moved in here a month ago. Took Kit’s old room. She’s been a great neighbor and tenant. No parties, no loud noises, and hasn’t complained about the howling when we’re running in the woods. That’s it, nothing more.”
“I call BS on that,” Bruno said. “You want to know what I think?”
“No, I don’t.”
Bruno ignored me. “I think you’re dying inside and are itching to follow after her to make sure she’s safe, because if anythingdidhappen to her, you would never forgive yourself.”
“You know, being our big brother, we look up to you and follow closely whatever you do,” Jacob added.
“I hate you both.” I stormed into my room, unable to listen to them anymore and not wanting to admit they were right.
My tux was in the very back of my closet. I hadn’t used it in years, not since Mom decided she didn’t want to hold any more fancy parties. She said that would be up to me and my spouse moving forward, as she was going to retire and live a happy life in the woods. When I told her that the closest I would ever come to hosting a ball was the community center parties Brandon and I put on, it only made her smile at me, which annoyed me even more.
I changed into my tux and looked in the mirror. It wouldn’t hurt to just stop by and check on Jill; she didn’t have to know I was there. I groaned, knowing I would have to deal with Brandon when I got there, but just a glimpse of Jill would be enough to calm my wolf down—even just a smell or the sound of her heartbeat.A taste would be even better . . . .
A rumble went through my throat at the thought, and I couldn’t get changed fast enough. I had to be there now! The thought of others putting their hands on her when it could have been me had me rushing through the finishing touches, making me tear the first bow tie I tried to put on.