Page 62 of Unleashing Kokou
When I slid a hand down her back to cup her ass, she reached for it and brought it up to her hip.
“We can’t do anything here.” She kissed my neck. “You’re a screamer.”
“Me!” I laughed. “I prefer growler, thank you very much.”
Kokou giggled. “Shh. Sleep for a little while.”
“This conversation isn’t over.” I promised, dropping my lips to her shoulder.
“I’m sure it isn’t.” She didn’t sound scared. “Maybe if I lose the argument later you can give me a spanking.”
My body liked that idea.
“You’re a tease.” I admonished. “Sleep.”
After a while, I knew she was still awake. I could almost feel her thoughts spiralling through her as if trying to mingle with my own.
“Can I ask you something?” I asked.
“I’m sleeping.”
I kissed the bridge of her nose. “I’m serious.”
She moaned like a child who didn’t want to wake up for school then eased her head back to look into my face. “Fine.”
“When I look at you—what do you think I see?”
Kokou arched a brow. “Seriously?”
She sat up and curled her legs under her body as she faced me. “At first, I thought you saw a woman—now, all you see is a soldier—or a monster.”
“That’s what you think I see?” I sat up and faced her. “Is that why you’ve been so distant?”
She hung her head. “Self-esteem has never been an issue for me. I don’t think I’d ever thought about it in terms of how it applies to me. I’ve been a soldier since I became an adult and never really had any use for it. And then you looked at me and I—the truth is I don’t feel like a woman, and you deserve that.”
“What is your definition of a woman?”
“She’s soft.” Kokou replied, picking at the corners of her thumbs. “She smells nice, has the perfect hair, flawless skin—she has no scars from war or the cruelty of life.”
I covered her hands with my own to keep her from picking at her fingers until she bled. “Kokou, look at me.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not used to being this way.” She replied.
“Just so you know, you’re soft.” I assured her. “And before you disagree, remember I’ve had you against me, naked. I’ve felt your breasts against my chest. I’ve been inside of you—I know.”
Kokou pulled her hands from me and covered her face.
But I didn’t allow her to remain that way. I gently pulled her hands down, but she merely scooted forward and pressed her face into my neck.
“I take the scars on your body as badges of honour.” I continued, allowing my breath to play about her cheek. “They tell me you’ve been through things and you’re still standing—they tell me that you’re strong. And trust me, Abeke, you smell like every delicious thing I want to put in my mouth.”
“Daniel!” She smacked my thigh playfully.