Page 63 of Unleashing Kokou
“Why are you blushing?”
“After what you just said?” She lifted her head. “Of course, I’m blushing.”
I framed her face and shimmied close. “Abeke Bolande.”
She giggled.
“What?” I asked. “Did I just butcher your name?”
She held up her fingers. “A little bit. But it feels as if you were about to say something truly astounding and romantic. I’ll allow it.”
“I was.” I told her. “To me, you’re a woman in every amazing sense of the word. Not what society believes a woman should be for me, but what I consider that word to mean. And I’m coming to you with an open mind, waiting for the day when you get out of your head long enough to claim me as yours.”
A bright smile lit up her face as she framed my cheeks and began leaning forward.
“Was that astounding and romantic?” I asked.
Her breath played about my face with her closeness.
She smiled wider and nodded.
“Yay.” I whispered before she kissed me silly.
Daniel Archer
“Any questionsyou want to ask before we do this?”
I shoved the gun into the holster Reaper had given me and exhaled.
It wasn’t lost on me that this wasn’t my world.
But Hank had been right—this was my life, my daughter and I should have a hand in protecting both.
“No.” I replied, my voice stronger than I felt. “I just want to get this part over with.”
“I need you to keep your eyes open, okay?” She stepped in close and lifted her eyes to mine. “If the choice is between one of them and you, I choose you. Got it?”
A warm feeling radiated through me and all I could do was kiss her.
“Okay, you two.” Reaper walked up to us. “Break it up.”
“Can you give me a second to kiss my man?” Kokou playfully shoved Reaper away.
The large man scrunched his nose. “Corny much?”
But while the two of them pester each other, I couldn’t help but be stuck on the fact she’d called me hers.
Was that what it felt like to fall in love with someone?
With Cassandra I didn’t have this. I didn’t feel like my entire body was burning with the sweetest feelings, that radiated from the center of my chest then pulsed to every singly bit of me.
Afterward, I couldn’t stop smiling until Reaper went out to gather information about who was in the house and returned. That further gave us a little bit of time to cuddle into each other.
But the moment it was time to go, it was almost as if a switch was flipped in her and she was in war-mode.
We parked quite a distance away from the house and trekked in. The house sat in darkness.