Page 7 of Taz
The space was busy.
Forklifts went back and forth, someone was screaming instructions and a dog barked from somewhere at the other side.
Hiding behind a pile of boxes, I took in what was happening.
I ensured I knew how many rooms that one broke off into and where the possible entrances and exits were. There were too many spaces to search to find Darby and it seemed impossible to narrow it down.
The fact I wasn’t familiar with the group who’d taken hurt my chances as well—I didn’t know how they operated, how they thought, what their organization was like.
I’d try finding information on them.
What I found wasn’t much of anything.
Apparently, they slaughtered anyone they thought even thought of speaking about them to anyone outside the group.
That was a way to silence your henchmen.
Frowning, I shifted position, ensuring a wall was behind me at all times. That way, no one could sneak up on me.
Carefully, I checked other rooms. Aside from Darby’s hoodie, I found no other signs he’d been there or might be there.
It was definitely his because it had a naked lady on the back with the wordsmy next mealwritten over her head.
Darby got off on inappropriate slogans on his clothing.
I left it where I found it.
The work men broke for lunch, and I fell into the crowd, walking with them as long as I could. Then, when no one was looking, I snuck off down an empty hallway. That carried me deeper into the place until I came to a door that seemed away from the others.
Though I was beginning to think Darby wasn’t there anymore, I shrugged, picked the lock and let myself in.
Darby was asleep on the floor.
He was dirty.
Blood was dried into his clothes and his face looked as if they’d worked him over a few times. The only way I recognized him was by the necklace I’d given him three Christmases before.
The relief that rushed through me caused my knees to shake.
Still, I had no time to allow that bit of adrenaline to pulse through me. Instead, I knelt beside him and shook him.
“Darby.” I called. “Wake up.”
He groaned and tried shoving me away.
I punched his shoulder—hard.
“What the fuck do you—Taz?”
Before I could answer, he dove into my chest and wrapped his arms around my neck.
“It’s good to see you too, Darby.” I told him. “But how did you manage to get yourself into this?”
“I’ll explain later.” He released me, framed my cheeks only to hug me again. “Right now, we should go.”
Agreeing with him, I stood and helped him to his feet. He wobbled for a second before steadying himself.