Page 8 of Taz
“You going to be okay?” I asked, reaching for one of my guns.
“It doesn’t matter.” Darby pressed his lips into a determined line. “I can’t afford to crack until we get out of here. Right?”
I nodded.
“Then let’s get out of here first then ask me that again.”
After another nod, I extended the weapon to him.
Darby checked it like a pro then inhaled deeply, his shoulders rising almost to his ears then falling.
I led the way to the door then poked my head out.
A man was disappearing around the corner to my right. I watched until he was gone. I was just pulling myself back into the room when someone shouted.
“Shit.” I muttered.
So much for getting in and out without committing several felonies.
“Well, you’re no longer a ghost.” Darby told me.
“You think?”
I used my ass to push him back into the room then pressed my back to the side just as the door burst open.
The first guy through was met with a bullet, dead center in the chest from Darby.
The second got his neck broken when I stepped in behind him and caught him in a chokehold.
While Darby dragged the bodies further into the space, I checked the hall and glanced to him.
“Leave them alone!” I snapped. “Hall’s clear, but I don’t know if it’ll be for long. Guns aren’t exactly quiet.”
Ensuring the hall was clear again, I exited the room with Darby behind me and took off in the direction I’d come. I kept an eye on Darby, ensuring he was behind me. We made it as far as the first door before men with guns came running.
“You ready?” Darby asked.
“Not really—but I don’t have a choice. Brace yourself.”
When they rushed into the hall, I was close enough to take one guy out with a foot to his dick. When he fell, I stomp on his head.
I was fast enough to dodge a bullet and return one of my own.
Even as we went through the chaos, I kept my eyes on Darby, tossing an extra cartridge to him. He caught it, ejected the empty one and quickly reloaded.
The fight carried through the door and back into the main warehouse. A number of men dodged behind boxes and barrels. I assumed those were the ones who thought they were working a legal job.
The ones who pulled guns at us knew differently.
A bullet grazed my left arm, but the adrenaline minimized the pain.
Finally, out the door, Darby stole one of their trucks by knocking out one of the men. I hopped into the bed of the truck and kept firing at guards who ran after us until no one was left.
Leaning over the side I shouted instructions to Darby, guiding him to my cycle. There, we wiped down the truck and left it there before speeding off on the cycle.
I took him back to the house I’d rented, hid the cycle in the garage and entered the house through the side.
Inside, I showed him where the shower was so he could wash up and while he did that, I used a delivery service to buy some clothes and a shaving kit for him.