Page 34 of Zero
“I quit,” Jack said, his voice trembling. “The Kings. I… King doesn’t want me there. He lied to me.”
“That’s not true. You know that’s not true. We all want you—”
“Don’t,” Jack snapped.
“Jack.” He stepped closer. “Please.”
“What’s the fucking point?” When I got out, I thought…”
Jack sank to the floor with a heart-wrenching cry, his whole body shaking.
Zero kneeled in front of Jack and caught his hands in his and said, “You thought it’d all go back to normal. That you’d be better because you were out.”
Jack nodded, a single tear trailing down his cheek as he met Zero’s gaze.
“Normal’s gone, Z. There’s nothing left.”
His heart was bleeding for the man in front of him. He felt his pain like it was his own. He’d been where Jack was right now, though he hadn’t had much to return to, to begin with. So, while he couldn’t imagine how lost and hurt Jack felt after returning to all this, all these changes, he could hold him and help him through it.
He hauled Jack against him, a hand on the back of the man’s head as he buried his face against his shoulder.
He held Jack and felt his heart break a little more because he should’ve been there. He should’ve been there for him instead of having run away. Jack deserved better than that.
But he was there now, and he wasn’t going anywhere.
Chapter Ten
HE WASN’T sure when Zero had tucked him in but he remembered being grateful that it’d been in Zero’s bed and not his. He’d needed Zero next to him almost desperately. He’d been so lost. So out of control. But Zero had held him. Without spewing empty words or treating him like a toddler. He’d just… been there.
He blinked his eyes open, unable to keep from smiling when the first thing he saw was Zero’s face. His hair was falling over his eyes, his lips parted on a loud snore that should’ve annoyed the hell out of him.
He wasn’t sure Zero could do anything that truly annoyed him anymore. Not after last night.
No response.
He leaned closer and pressed a kiss to the corner of Zero’s mouth.
“Z? Wake up.”
Zero grunted and the snoring stopped.
Zero scrunched up his face before opening his eyes. He looked tired and groggy as hell, which made sense after the shit Jack had put him through.
“Jack?” Zero croaked out.
He looked sexy as fuck lying there with his tousled hair and big blue eyes staring up at him.
Zero lifted his hand, his fingers trailing over Jack’s cheek down to his jaw.
“You okay? Last night was…”