Page 35 of Zero
Zero nodded, the serious look in his eyes making Jack like him that much more. He hadn’t thought there was anyone who truly cared for him yesterday. Then Zero showed up and proved him wrong.
He caught Zero’s hand in his and said, “Thank you.”
Zero’s eyes softened and he looked at Jack in a way that had his pulse speeding up.
It was then he realized Zero had been looking at him like that the whole time, he just hadn’t wanted to see it.
He leaned down and cupped Zero’s face with both hands. He brushed his lips against Zero’s, loving Zero’s small gasp.
Zero’s lips were soft and pliant under his and as much as he loved that, he needed something more. Something raw.
He sucked Zero’s lower lip between his teeth and bit down. Zero shivered against him, fingers digging into his chest. He licked his way into Zero’s mouth and his tongue was met by Zero’s, tangling together in a bid for control.
Zero moaned into the kiss and, fuck, if he didn’t love that sound.
“Wait.” Zero pulled back, looking just the right kind of ruffled as he blinked up at Jack. “Wait. I…”
“I can’t,” Zero said and shook his head. “That guy you were with—”
“Gillies? No. There’s nothing there. He’s an ass but nothing happened, and nothing will ever happen. I’ll explain it all later, okay? I promise.”
Hesitation was written all over Zero’s face and his throat suddenly felt tight.
“You don’t trust me, do you?”
Zero dropped his head back with a groan which wasn’t exactly the reaction he expected.
“I do trust you. It’s me I don’t trust,” Zero muttered.
“What do you mean?”
He pushed up into a seated position.
Zero ran his hands down his face and cursed under his breath before looking up and meeting Jack’s gaze.
“I can’t do casual with you. I thought I could. But I want… I want more.”
He blinked at Zero, barely able to comprehend what the man was saying.
“You want more… with me?”
Zero bit his lip as he nodded, his eyes filled with hope.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever wanted that with me,” Jack said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Well, you must’ve been with blind, dumb idiots then.”
Jack huffed out a laugh and, shaking his head, he said, “You have no idea.”
He slid into Zero’s lap and grinned down at him.
Zero’s eyes darkened and he slid his hands up Jack’s thighs, nails biting into his skin and forcing a low groan out of him. He leaned down, resting his hands on the mattress on either side of Zero’s head.
“You want—”
He felt the woosh of the explosion before the heat and sound hit him. It also took him a second to realize Zero had rolled them so he was on top, shielding him with his body.