Page 41 of Steel
He put the gun down on Kai’s bed and walked into the living room. He sat down on the couch with a sigh and ran his hands through his hair.
He moved his gaze across the room, taking in more of Kai’s home, wishing things were different. Wishing he was there because Kai was showing him around. He imagined Kai wouldn’t get to show him all that much before he’d be dragging him into his bedroom. The thought made him smile.
Something caught his eye, making him frown and stand to walk closer. It looked a lot like a camera was sitting on the top of one of the bookcases. It was small but not could-be-hidden-inside-something small. It was weird.
“Hawk?” he yelled. “Is that a camera?”
Hawk appeared next to him in a second, making him jump.
“That’s not Kai’s,” Hawk said, his voice low.
The hair on Steel’s arms and the back of his neck stood on end.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
The sound of glass shattering had them both freezing.
Shit. Whoever was after Kai was now there for them and he doubted they’d stopped by for coffee.
“Go make sure they don’t get a hold of Kai’s weapons,” Hawk said while unholstering his gun. “We’re screwed if they do.”
He was pretty sure he’d seen a rifle along with a few machine guns in there, so he had to agree with Hawk. They didn’t know what kind of weapons or even how many men were there for them, but there was no sense in readily giving them the upper hand.
He gave Hawk a nod and took off toward Kai’s bedroom while pulling out his gun. He almost made it to the bedroom door when a light creaking had him whirling around.
A bullet whizzed by him just before he pulled the trigger. Neither of them hit their intended target. Instead, they made holes in Kai’s walls. He had a feeling he’d end up with a lot of those.
He took cover in the doorway and fired off another two rounds, then stopped and listened. The quiet was unnerving. All he could hear was his heartbeat. He didn’t like it. Not one bit. He didn’t know how many men had come to kill them, but he was grateful that Kai hadn’t been here alone when they did.
The silence was broken by gunfire from the other end of the house, and he hoped like hell Hawk knew what he was doing.
Bullets riddled the wall right next to him and he dropped down with a curse. The bullets kept coming. He couldn’t get a fucking shot off. Not unless he wanted another major surgery.
“Fuck,” he muttered and moved back into the room, getting behind the dresser.
He could see a duffle bag on the bed, and he had to assume the weapons were in there. He couldn’t let them get to it. Not if they were to have a shot at getting out of there alive.
His heart was going ballistic in his chest, the adrenaline making him dizzy.
The gunfire stopped and he heard footsteps down the hall. He raised his gun, peeking around the dresser. A man in all-black clothing appeared in the doorway, gun in hand.
Before he made it into the room, his head exploded. When the body hit the floor, Kai appeared in the doorway, lowering his gun as he glared down at the man.
“Fucker,” Kai said under his breath.
“Kai,” Steel said, holstering his gun and pushing off the floor.
Kai’s head snapped up and whatever darkness had been in his eyes dissipated the second their gazes met. The next second, Kai was across the room, grabbing Steel by the front of his shirt to pull him down while he rose up on his toes to slam their mouths together.
There was no hesitation, no doubt, in the way Kai kissed him. Relief flooded him and he wrapped his arms around the man to jerk him up against his body. Kai groaned into his mouth.
“Guess you didn’t run away from me,” he said when he pulled back.
Kai screwed up his face and said, “I don’t run.”
“You kinda did.”
Kai’s eye-roll had Steel grinning down at him.