Page 42 of Steel
“Hiding is not running,” Kai muttered.
“You guys good?” Hawk yelled from somewhere across the house.
“Perfect,” Kai yelled back, and Steel had to agree.
Kai in his arms felt perfect. More perfect than anything else ever had. Which was why he hated it when Kai stepped back.
“One second,” Kai said, holding up a finger.
He took off out of the room and Steel followed with a frown on his face. Kai walked into the living room, stepped over the two bodies on the floor, and faced the camera head-on.
“Go fuck yourself, Isaac,” Kai said, flipping off the camera with both hands.
Chapter Twelve
IN THEORY, seeing Steel again should’ve been amazing. It was. It was just also awkward as all hell. Especially with Nic there, watching and making weird faces at him.
“Stop it,” Kai said, giving Nic a pointed look.
“I haven’t done anything.”
Their stare-down was interrupted by Steel saying, “We need to go.”
Kai sighed and glanced around at what he’d called home for a few years now. He was sad to see it go but, oh well. He was doing all this to make a home with Steel anyway. They’d figure something out.
“The cops are gonna have a field day with this bloodbath,” Steel said, the concern in his voice warming Kai’s heart.
“There won’t be much left for them to find.”
Steel’s brows shot up, then lowered when Kai grinned at him.
“You thought your little assassin wouldn’t have a plan in place in case something happened?” Nic asked Steel.
“I protest being called ‘little,’” Kai drawled, then caught the slight clench of Steel’s jaw and added, “and assassin. My firing has been quite epic as you can see.”
He motioned at the bodies on the floor.
“Firing?” Steel asked.
“I’ll tell you all about it later.”
He grabbed the few things he didn’t want to lose. Was it a bit sad that one of them was the key to his parents’ house? Yeah, probably. The other things were mementos that couldn’t be replaced. Things he shouldn’t have kept but the sentimental fool inside him hadn’t allowed him to throw them away.
When they walked out of his house, he held his small bag of trinkets close and pulled out his phone. Nic had a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. It was filled with Kai’s guns and knives. He was thankful to the man for packing them. He’d paid a pretty penny for them, after all, and they’d probably end up needing them.
He breathed out a sigh and brought up the right app on his phone. He was about to press a button on his phone and make his house explode. It was almost anticlimactic in some way. Technology, man. All you needed was some Wi-Fi and you could blow up your whole life.
He’d rigged up the small device himself and all it needed to ignite was the flip of a switch which his app took care of.
The explosion wasn’t big by any means, but it would definitely attract attention. They had to move soon but he found himself stuck as he watched his home go up in flames. An arm wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him against a bigger body. He relaxed against Steel’s side.
“I’m sorry you have to lose your home,” Steel said in that deep rumble of his that made Kai feel like a blanket of safety wrapped around him.
Kai shrugged. “All the things that truly matter to me aren’t in there.”
The one that mattered the most was currently pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He felt his heart leap at the touch. He was fucking gone for this man.