Page 54 of Steel
He caught a twitch of Ares’ lips, but other than that, the man kept his expression blank.
They walked halfway to Isaac’s car, Isaac meeting them there. He could’ve brought several cars full of his men, but Isaac was way too confident for that. Kai had to get him from confident to overconfident and the thought of it made him hate himself a little bit for jumping head first into this.
“We don’t want a war,” Ares said, sounding genuine. “But don’t think for one second that we won’t fight.”
“Oh, I have no doubt,” Isaac said.
Kai knew exactly what Isaac meant. He didn’t doubt that the Disciples would fight, he just didn’t believe they’d win.
“You get him, and you leave me and my club alone,” Ares said, the malice in his voice doing nothing to hide the disdain he felt for Isaac.
“That’s the deal,” Isaac said.
Ares gave Isaac a nod, then gave Kai a push toward him.
Kai glared at Ares over his shoulder for a second before turning toward Isaac. He walked with him to the Mercedes and tried not to think too hard about the consequences of getting into that car with him. When they reached it, he looked over his shoulder at the Disciples. They were standing by their bikes, Ares looking straight at Kai with what looked like respect showing on his face. Hey, he might die today but at least he’d earned the man’s respect if not approval. Not that he needed it. The only person’s opinion that mattered to him was Steel’s.
“See, Kai,” Isaac said with a sinister smile. “This is what loyalty gets you.”
“You don’t know the first thing about loyalty,” Kai hissed.
He wasn’t about to admit that he’d volunteered. Isaac would know something was up.
Isaac reached out to grab Kai by the arm, but he jerked away before the asshole could get his hand on him.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” he snapped.
Isaac’s smile morphed into a look of displeasure.
“Get in the car.”
Chapter Fifteen
HE KNEW he’d get there too late, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try his hardest. If he could stop Kai from getting into that car with Isaac, it would be worth risking his life to get there.
The plan was to let Kai get Isaac to confess on tape, then get him out and get that tape to Briggs’ family. He didn’t give a shit about that plan. Not when it meant risking Kai’s life to maybe get that hit called off.
He knew Kai was doing it to keep him safe. To keep his brothers safe. Fuck that. Someone needed to keep Kai safe.
He pulled up next to the van and cursed under his breath when he realized there was no sign of Isaac. They’d already handed over Kai.
He got off his bike, rushing toward his brothers who were all standing around the van. Ares didn’t look surprised to see him. He was supposed to be there to help get Kai back, but only after the confession. He wasn’t waiting for that.
“You got the tracker?” he asked no one in particular.
“Yeah,” Chris said, waving him closer. He was sitting in the back of the van at a makeshift computer station. “We’re following them at a distance, too.”
He was about to demand the location when he heard Kai’s voice and froze.
“Don’t even think about it,” Kai said, a growl in his voice. “I’m only here for the torture.”
Steel’s heart skipped a painful beat.
“You can at least respect that.”
“As you wish,” Isaac said.