Page 55 of Steel
He was about to throw up and not just because he knew Isaac had tried to touch Kai but because Kai had known handing himself over would mean he’d be tortured.
“Where are they going?” he croaked out.
“Looks like they’re headed out of the city,” Chris said, looking at a map on his computer with two moving dots on it. One was Kai. The other was their guys following several miles behind them.
“Can you send that to my phone?”
“Sure. One sec.”
Once he got Chris’ message, he sent the link off to Hawk, knowing he might very well need the man’s help. He knew Isaac. He might even know where they were headed.
Hawk’s response was, ‘I’ll bring backup.’
He was off toward his bike the next second.
“Steel,” Ares snapped.
“I’m not letting him get tortured,” Steel yelled back.
He was going to get Kai back in one piece no matter what it took. No matter who he had to kill to get to him.
Isaac hadn’t been too happy when he’d shut him down. The asshole actually thought he’d sleep with him while they were on their way to his murder cabin? Fuck no. Even if Steel hadn’t been in the picture, that would’ve still been a no. He at least had that much self-respect.
“Why did you need to get rid of Briggs? Why didn’t you just hire me to do it? I could’ve made it look like an accident. Saved us both this trouble.”
“Because I was hired.”
That… was probably the last thing he’d expected to hear.
“What the hell do you mean?”
Isaac looked smug as hell as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, dark gaze on Kai.
“Now why would I tell you that? Hmm? You already told me I wasn’t getting anything out of this,” Isaac said.
Kai clenched his jaw tight. That fucker.
He needed that confession. He’d done a lot of fucked up shit in his life but giving up his body? No. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t even pretend to. Isaac would see right through him.
Kai grunted and turned his gaze out the window. Isaac was a megalomaniac. He might get lucky enough that Isaac couldn’t keep from boasting, but they both stayed silent.
He was in desperate need of some damned luck right now. He was about to get tortured and maybe even killed for absolutely nothing.
He’d fight like hell to get back to Steel though he doubted it’d be enough. Isaac only had a few guys with him right now and he knew there wouldn’t be that many at the cabin either. Isaac preferred his privacy. Especially when he was tearing someone limb from limb.
Nausea hit him as the memories of that particular incident flooded his mind.
People could stay alive for surprisingly long while being dismembered, which was something he thought he’d never have first-hand knowledge of. He’d certainly never wished for it.
He wanted away from all the death. It had taken too much from him already.
The car pulled to a stop, and he took a deep but silent breath before following Isaac out of the car.
They headed for the staircase leading up to the cabin that was partially built into the hill. They passed a few of his former colleagues on the way there, and he noticed them watching him with varying degrees of confusion. He knew a few had been jealous of his ‘hold’ over Isaac and those were the ones who he was sure would delight in his demise. The others were simply confused. He wasn’t exactly tied up or anything. Isaac didn’t need to. He knew Kai was well aware that there was nowhere for him to run.
They reached the wrap-around porch and he felt like he had tunnel vision as he looked at that front door. Or perhaps he was just dizzy because he knew what was waiting for him inside? He needed that confession and stat.