Page 24 of Songs of Sacrament
Elisa walked alongside me,her shimmering olive dress she’d worn to dinner flowing around the curves of her hips. We stepped into one of the palace’s private courtyards, and I dropped my hand so the back of my fingers brushed against Elisa’s knuckles. She lifted her emerald eyes to me as I knew she would, and I smiled at her. The dress brought out her color, making her skin glow and emphasizing the rich auburn of her hair. She was always beautiful, but saints did she look like a fallen angel gracing us mortals with her presence that night.
Exhaustion crawled along my shoulders and twisted down my spine. We’d barely been home a full day then that damn prophecy had happened. I was happy for the Maharani, of course. She’d longed for that scrap of hope for a long time. It wasn’t just a prophecy of a rise of the elementals but also the unleashing of Kali’s powers. Legend said a group of Prasanna fae once possessed Kali’s powers, but, like so many other stories, I thought it was a fairytale. I needed to open myself to more possibilities.
Elisa and I turned past some shaped topiaries to find Sai perched against a fountain. Luz sat beside him, their face lifted towards the sky. Clouds above blocked most of the moonlight, leaving the courtyard dark. Sai set a torch into a holder and the light bobbed around, illuminating a few feet around them.
Orman walked up and scratched his nose before leaning against a wall. We’d not even had a night’s rest in our beds yet, and Sai already called a meeting to discuss another job. Normally we had a month or two off before we launched into another season away from home, another dangerous mission. Elisa’s forehead puckered like she could read my mind, and I gave her hand a squeeze.
“I understand this is expedient,” Sai began, his gaze focused on the pavers beneath his feet. Ishir and Lira weren’t present. Perhaps Sai had already discussed things with Lira and after that prophecy she needed a chance to digest things. Ishir had never committed to more than the job that helped Shaan. “You may wish to pass this time, and I’d understand if so.”
“Y’know what elves say.” Orman grinned at all of us like we would inherently understand what he meant. He looked around the group before scoffing and rolling his eyes. “The lazy elf grows moss on his ears. C’mon, you mates must have heard it.”
Sai side-eyed him, and everyone hesitated to respond before Elisa chimed in. “It’s a lovely expression, Orman.”
He beamed at her. “Damn right. It’s true too. Laziness serves no one. Personally, I’m ready to get back into it.”
“Right.” Sai straightened, his formal sherwani unspooling. “I’m sure it’s no surprise if I say we need to retrieve the Map of Forgetting. The last known location for it was in The Temple of the Water.”
Orman ran a thumb down his jaw. “Wasn’t that destroyed?”
“Yes, several centuries ago when the elementals were wiped out. It’s more of a ruin now and overrun with wild fae. We’ve believed the temples were impossible to access, but with someone possessing elemental magic again…” He stopped for a moment and cleared his throat. His feelings for Lira had complicated the last job and now they bled into this one. I bit the tip of my tongue to keep sharp words back. “Perhaps tides have changed.”
I licked my lips. “Chances of meeting monsters along the way?”
“High. Also, the chief prophet believes the temple is cursed.”
Luz crossed their ankles. “No big deal, then.”
“The prophet also believes the temple may have traps, and we should—”
“Are you having a meeting without me?” Lira stormed into the light, her sari whipping around in the wind, her lips pinched into a brittle line.
Sai stared at her, his eyes drinking her in like a street dog offered shelter, uncertain but desperately full of hope. It made me uncomfortable to see him so vulnerable. Elisa tensed beside me, and I placed an arm around her. Elisa’s focus remained on Lira. So, Sai didn’t invite her into the conversation? Shit.
Sai cleared his throat. “You didn’t say you wished to be involved with this team.”
“I didn’t say no either.”
Another beat of silence. Luz straightened, their muscles tensed like they were ready to jump in if needed. I wasn’t sure whose side they’d take. Something about their time with Lira in the Seelie palace had warmed them to her which was interesting. Luz wasn’t usually quick to warm up to others.
“You’re out here discussing my prophecy without me.” Lira spoke to Sai as if they stood alone.
“I… I thought maybe you’d wish to rest tonight, and we could discuss it later.”
“Yet you had no problem dragging the rest of the team out here before they rested. No, you’re just cutting me out.” Her expression turned deadly as her eyes narrowed. “Nothing new, really.”
They stared at each other, and a sheen whipped over Sai’s eyes. He ducked his head. “I apologize. I miscalculated.”
“Miscalculated? I’m not a puzzle, a heist, or a game. I’m a person.”
Orman seemed ready to argue that point and I shot him a look. Now was not the time to interrupt with sarcastic comments. Surprisingly he shrugged and remained quiet as Lira kept speaking.
“This prophecy is about me, and you don’t even discuss it with me before you lay it out for your group. You let your brother come check on me while you’re busy scheming about my life.”
He hadn’t spoken with Lira since the prophecy? Oh, fuck. What the hell was going on with Sai? He normally had his shit together. Communicating with your partner was basic level relationship shit. He’d never been in a committed romantic relationship, but surely, he understood that much. The marriage between them was a farce, of course, but Sai had genuine feelings for Lira. Another awkward silence stretched out, emphasized by the trickling of the fountain and the wind rustling bushes.
Elisa’s lips had curled into a pout and she appeared ready to cry. She hated conflict and especially when it happened within our inner circle. I could feel her pain aching in my chest. She would fix the issues between Sai and Lira if she were able, press a healing balm over both of their hurts and magic them into well-being if she could. Saints, she was a tender-hearted creature and too good for me. I didn’t know why she had chosen me of all beings in the world. I tightened my arm around her and took my advice to Orman, keeping my mouth shut.
“We’re discussing,” Luz interjected delicately, “retrieving the Map of Forgetting.”