Page 13 of Edward’s Bunny
I gave my head a tiny shake. This was big business—important business we were attending to, and I needed to focus on that.
I’d never been involved in a restitution ceremony before, but I heard they were intense. Shifters had a strict and sometimes harsh sense of justice. The accused were already guilty of the crime, testimony would be had, and restitution met out. Restitution varied depending on the crime. Most of the time, it would be just financial but could include death. I wondered what would be dealt out tonight. The crimes that Hayden’s ex and stepmom committed were considered death penalty crimes. They orchestrated an attack on a fated mate.
In what felt like seconds, we were pulling up to a lavish house. Seeing the structure and passing through the wrought-iron gates, I couldn't help but wonder what I'd gotten myself into.
Hayden's dad’s house, which Hayden often referred to as The Lion's Den, was an impressive sight to behold. A sprawling, meticulously maintained lawn stretched before us with elegant marble statues and an eye-catching water fountain at its heart. A vast mansion spanned three normal-sized lots with gold-accented trim glinting in the sunlight while colossal bay windows provided stunning vistas that showed us what lay beyond.
I never imagined such an extraordinary place existed right in Tampa; even calling it a mansion seemed inadequate. Instead, this palace of dreams seemed more like an oasis. Never would I have believed such an extraordinary world existed here.
As Hayden parked the car, I stepped out, unable to tear my eyes away from the grandeur that surrounded me. Owen walked up beside me, and for a moment, we were both silent, taking it all in.
“I never thought I'd set foot in a place like this,” I murmured, still awestruck.
Owen chuckled. “Yeah, me neither. The first time I came here, I thought I was meeting the queen.” Owen laughed again. “Turns out I was meeting the queen bitch. That was a night to remember for sure. Let’s try to get this over with.”
With a deep breath, we ascended the elegant, sweeping staircase that led to the mansion's ornate double doors, mentally preparing ourselves for whatever lay ahead. The doors opened as if on their own accord, and an older gentleman, around sixty or seventy, stepped out. His short gray hair was slicked back, and his thin mustache was well-groomed. He was dressed formally in a black suit, a white button-down shirt, and gleaming black shoes.
“Your Highness, welcome.” The older man said with a bow.
“Carl, it’s good to see you. You remember my mate, Owen,” Hayden replied, gently bringing Owen beside him.
“Of course I do. It’s a pleasure to see you again, your Highness,” Carl said with a bow toward Owen.
“Oh, you don’t have to call me your Highness or bow,” Owen replied.
“I must. You are the prince’s consort, and I must address you with respect.”
Owen opened his mouth, but Hayden’s laugh stopped him from speaking. “Baby, don’t bother trying. Carl won’t change what he calls you. Carl, this is our good friend Brian. He’s a special guest of ours.”
Carl turned toward me and was about to bow but stopped. His bushy gray brow shot up in surprise. He jerked his gaze between us before finally stating the obvious. “You’re a prey shifter.”
“That’s right, he is, and he can get snarky, especially if you call him a prey princess. So don’t do that.”
I twirled around at the words. Hayden’s best friend Mike walked up with Hayden’s sister Vanessa on his arm.
“You damn, pea brain, furball. How dare—”
“See! Watch out, Carl, this bunny has sharper claws than a lion,” Mike drawled.
“Not a bunny; I’m a rabbit. Pussy cat!”
Venessa slapped Mike’s arm. “Stop it. Remember the truce the two of you made at the beach? I’m sorry about him, babe.”
I glared at Mike before softening my gaze and focusing on Vanessa. “It’s okay, darling. I’ve come to expect this from him. You look beautiful, as always.” I gave her a quick hug and peck on the cheek. I’d gotten close to Vanessa and Mike over the past few months when Owen was recovering from the attack that had left him emotionally and physically scarred.
“Carl, these two act like siblings. Ignore Mike, like always,” Hayden said before turning toward us. “Let’s head in. I want to get this damn thing over with.”
I nodded, and Carl led us inside. My rabbit instincts were on high alert as we entered the mansion. I could feel the predatory gazes of the lion shifters, their eyes boring into me as if I were their next meal. Perhaps bringing a rabbit shifter into the lion's pride wasn't the best idea after all. The urge to bolt, to escape the suffocating atmosphere, was almost overwhelming.
Owen, sensing my discomfort, leaned in and whispered, “Just stay close to me, alright? You watch my back, and I’ll watch yours. Maybe we can make it out of here unscathed.”
I nodded, trying to steady my breathing and focus on supporting my best friend. That's what I was here for, after all. Even so, I couldn't shake the feeling of being a small, vulnerable creature in the midst of powerful predators. I had to act like I always acted with predators—be a snarky bitch. You can do this, Brian.
As we moved through the mansion, I couldn't help but admire the luxurious décor, even as my heart raced with fear. Lavish furnishings, intricate tapestries, and priceless works of art adorned every room, each more breathtaking than the last. But the beauty of the surroundings did little to quell my growing anxiety.
When we finally arrived at the main gathering area, I wasn’t surprised to see some of the pride in their shifted forms and many in states of undress. Growing up in a colony of shifters, I was used to the nudity. I felt Owen tense beside me. I glanced over, and his fair skin was flushed red. He wasn’t prepared for the sight. I stiffened as we walked by a massive lion whose eyes seemed to follow me. I needed to ignore the desire to flee.
Despite the opulence and grandeur of the Lion's Den, I knew I didn't belong here—that I was an intruder in their world. But for Owen's sake, I would stick it out, even as my rabbit instincts screamed at me to run.