Page 46 of Edward’s Bunny
“And Owen agreed to that?” I asked, my surprise evident in my voice.
Edward gave a small grin. “I asked him the same thing. He said he’d convince Owen.”
“Pfft, good luck with that,” I replied, taking a sip of the wine. “Mmm, this wine is delicious. It’s a lot better than what I usually drink. “
“I’m glad you like it.” He joined me and took a sip from his glass. “Why do you think he’d have a hard time convincing Owen to go traveling.”
I lifted my shoulders. “Owen is like me. We like our independence and like to be able to contribute.” I pointed to the table. “Mark this down. I don’t care how much money you have; I’ll be an equal partner and contribute or this,” -I pointed back and forth between us- “won’t go anywhere. I’m not looking for a sugar daddy.”
Edward jerked a nod. “Duly noted. But-”
“No bu-”
Edward lifted his hand and stopped me. “Hear me out first. I just want some clarification. Now, I’d never hinder your independence. I don’t want that. I want to support your dreams and goals. But what if I want to surprise you or gift you with something? I’d like to be able to share what’s mine with my mate, just as I’d like to think you’d want to share what’s yours with me.”
I titled my head and thought. I hadn’t looked at the situation like that before—maybe it was where I’d gone wrong with Randy. I always fought for my independence, but maybe, he just wanted to share with me.
I nodded. “Okay,” I said, deciding. “I can live with that.”
Edward’s smile was instantaneous, and I grinned. This night was turning out well. Silas brought out our meals, and our conversation continued to flow easily. I learned that Edward is not only a workaholic but also a bit of a nerd. He loved science, reviewing technical schematics for fun, and inventing do-dads, as he called them, in his spare time.
As we took the last bites of our meal, I looked up at Edward and said, “I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a dinner this much. The food, the atmosphere, and especially the company made it a truly memorable evening.”
“Same, it’s been forever for me. This night has been—perfect for me—especially the company.” Edward released a breath and grinned. “But the night’s not over yet. There’s one more surprise tonight. Are you ready to leave?” Edward asked.
I nodded with a smile, and Edward stood from his chair. He held his hand out to me, and I instantly got to my feet and intertwined my fingers with his. I was in awe that I’d come to trust and yearn for his touch so quickly.
Edward guided us through the restaurant. He seemed to make a point of looking at each of his pride members as if to say, “Yes, I’m here with this man.” My heart swelled at this action, and butterflies rolled in my stomach. It was a happy, nervous feeling, and I loved it.
“I hope you have a good evening,” Cadence said from her hostess stand.
I gave her a tiny wave and a quick good night before we exited the front doors. I turned toward the parking lot, but Edward stopped me. I looked back at him, my eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“The surprise isn’t that far. Are you up for a walk?” he asked.
“Sure. I don’t mind walking.” I pointed down to my feet which were covered in my black Doc Martin’s. “I got my walking boots on.”
Edward laughed, and we began to walk down the sidewalk. “I love those. They look amazing on you. It adds,” Edward paused, and he looked at me. “A punk flare to your outfit?”
I couldn’t stop from chuckling at how he phrased it as a question. “Punk flare,” I said, still giggling. “I’m going to use that term from now on. You’ll be my fashionista, telling me about my flare.” I laughed louder and hugged his arm.
“Okay, okay. I’m not good at the terminology,” he said with humor in his voice.
“Oh no, babe. You got the terminology down pat, don’t ever stop,” I replied.
Edward pressed his lips into a smile, but his smile suddenly dropped, and his expression hardened. I tilted my head in question and then looked forward. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
He brought us to a stop and turned to face me. “I forgot to check if they were open due to the holiday. I guess they’re closed. I’m really sorry.” He pointed to the building behind him—the Blue Tone. I smiled. I loved this place.
“Owen told you I liked jazz, huh?” He nodded slowly, sadness still marring his beautiful features. “It’s okay,” I continued. “We can come another time.” I touched his arm gently.
Edward exhaled loud before nodding on his. “You’re right. We’ll come next time. I’ve got another idea. Come on.”
Edward gently took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and with renewed determination, he started walking again, leading the way toward whatever adventure he had in mind.
The sound of waves crashing filled the air, and Edward glanced at me. “I figured we could take a night stroll on the beach. What do you think?”
I hugged his arm and continued to walk with him, laying my head on his shoulder. “I think that sounds amazing.”