Page 22 of The Unperfects
I round the corner and go down A street, then make my way up the hill toward the cliff where Ambrose’s beach house is.
It’s stupid massive, six bedrooms with a smart TV in each one, snacks, wine, fluffy beds that you’re afraid to actually sleep in because they’re so white and what if you have a piece of sand between your middle toe, and five bathrooms that all seem to look like they came out of the Archeologists Digest.
Honestly, the rooms are untouched and unloved and now that Ambrose is completely on his own, all he has are empty houses.
His mom gave him her kidney and basically died a room over from him last year in the hospital after saving his life and his dad committed suicide after our high school mess up where he, the DA was caught for embezzlement and bribery charges.
Sometimes the parents are worse than the kids, just look at my dad and you’ll see all the red flags, not that I’ve seen him in the last six months. The divorce was finalized and then the house just emptied, ever since then I’ve been with them but why does it always feel like I’m intruding?
It’s not like they’re getting married soon. They’re going to travel the world and do all that shit.
I pull up to the three-story beach house with its white paint and large black door and get out, grabbing my keys and killing the engine.
Ambrose is there since his black Jeep is parked out front which means I really am intruding on their time because immediately I know MB is gonna feel sorry for me like she always does, offer to watch a movie or do something together making Ambrose give me the narrowed eyes as if to say, bro I was just going to get laid and now she wants to watch The Great British Bake Off!
I feel that though, I’d be pissed too.
I open the door, shut it quietly, and walk into the open kitchen. It’s all just… too white, no decorations, no rugs, it’s beautiful and modern but nothing about it screams family or beach day.
I feel like I just walked into LA.
I set my keys and sunglasses on the counter, go over to the fridge, grab a water and then start walking toward my room.
I don’t even remember falling asleep, I was so exhausted, when I woke up it was like this weird fever dream of Chloe and all the things I wanted to do to her, and then my mouth was so dry I stumbled half naked into the kitchen to grab water. It was peaceful for a few seconds.
But when I round the corner to go to my room, I spit out my water all over the floor. “WHY!”
Ambrose does a little half shrug. “Because I was getting laid in the shower?”
“Bro.” I shake my head. “It’s almost noon!”
Ambrose grins. “Right, but I was really dirty.”
“And now my ears.” I grumble, putting the lid back on my bottled water. “Mary-Belle, I’m home, put on clothes!”
“You didn’t have to yell,” Ambrose grumbles.
“And you don’t have to just stand in the hallway naked like it’s your birthday and you get a prize for having a dick.”
“It’s a nice dick.”
I shake my head. “Mines bigger.”
“Are we really doing this right now?” He crosses his arms.
With a sigh, I cross mine, crinkling my water bottle. “Do we need to go over this again? Bring out some measuring tape?”
Mary-Belle, aka MB for short, comes out of the bathroom with wet pieces of her blonde hair sticking to her shoulders, wrapped in a towel. “You guys are both pretty happy now? And no, you’re not going to be the weirdos who actually have a dick measuring contest, has anyone ever complained?”
We’re both silent.
He makes a face at me.
I flip him off.
“All right, see contest over.” She stands up on tiptoes and kisses Ambrose’s cheek, “Now I’m going to get dressed and since Quinn is here, we can all totally hang out and watch a movie!” She does a little dance and bolts into their shared room.
Slowly, Ambrose shakes his head at me. “Biggest cockblock ever.”