Page 23 of The Unperfects
“See? You said it yourself first, biggest cock.” I walk past him.
“I said biggest cockblock!”
“Same thing.” I turn and nearly run into my own doorway.
“Saw that.”
“Hate you.”
“Yeah, okay best friend who cried watching Brother Bear,” he whispers it under his breath like he thinks I can’t hear.
“Do we need to re-address The Notebook?” I counter. “Because I’ll go there, I’ll go straight there right now and pull the last thirty minutes rule!”
He gasped. “You wouldn’t!”
“Only the last, most torturous thirty minutes.” I do a little dance in the doorway and earn a pillow to the face, nearly sailing backward on my ass.
“NO!” MB yells, then pokes her head from the bedroom. “No last thirty minutes of sad movies, now go shower so you can come join us.” Her eyes narrow. “Actually, you look like you“—they go from narrow to wide—“did you sleep with her?”
I wince. “Define sleep?”
Ambrose, still naked, nods his head like he’s saying respect over and over again on the inside but doesn’t want to get hit on the outside. Smart move.
MB is still in her towel and walks up to me, oh great, now I’m going to get the pillow again. She glares up at me, her brown eyes searching mine. “What I want to know is how you even got that close while you looked ready to shit you pants at the movie theater, you had zero game.”
I lift a shoulder. “I have my ways.”
She pokes me in the chest hard with her finger. “Don’t hurt her.”
“What about me?” I question. “What if she hurts me?”
“Okay, big dick energy.” MB pats me on the stomach. “Your last four relationships ended up with our house getting egged—twice—and you having to buy a new car because the waitress you hooked up with wrote whore across the hood, and don’t even get me started on the others. Girls fall hard and fast, they get obsessed, and then the damage is insane, we almost had to move!”
“Exaggerate much?” I tease, but really I’m not, because every single one of those girls was a way for me to get over the one standing in front of me, ready to strangle me to death.
Life isn’t fair.
I’m over her, I really am. And I’m happy for them, I just don’t know how to find what I had with her, a friend but someone who’s more than that as well, who I can tell my secrets to, my dreams.
And now I sound weak.
“Just…” She does a little turn and walks back to the room, calling out, “Don’t hurt her!”
How does a person hurt someone they barely know? And how do I hurt her when I’m still hurting and bleeding? The other girls made it known to me right away they didn’t want a relationship. Was I so horrible in saying yes to that? Or maybe they just thought it was a cover-up or something?
Ambrose snickers and follows her into the room while I go to my bedroom, grab some fresh clothes and step into my bathroom.
I have three missed texts.
You around?
Oh no, is the obsession starting? I almost want to send a screen shot to MB but barely hold myself back.
Ignore me. This is a horrible idea.