Page 34 of Sky Full of Stars
I watch TV when Keira puts him to bed. I’ve done my best to not think about Jenna since I boarded the plane in LA. My phone is in my pocket, I take it out and throw it on the coffee table out of reach. When Keira comes back she has a couple of beers for us and sits on the other end of the couch, pulling her feet up beneath her so she is facing me.
“Penny for ‘em,” she says.
I look over at her. “Just thinking about Jake, he’s cool, Ke, you’re doing a great job.”
She smiles softly. “When is it gonna be your turn? You know mom and dad are desperate for more grandkids.”
“It’ll have to come from you, my lifestyle is not suited to kids.”
“That won’t be happening any time soon. Jake’s a handful as it is. I couldn’t give him and my work as much focus if I had more.”
“Any guys in the picture?”
“I’m seeing someone but he hasn’t met Jake yet.”
“Yeah? He treating you right?”
“Why, you gonna beat him up if he isn’t.”
I stare at her. “I have no idea what you mean, Keira.”
“Yeah…sure,” she gives me knowing look. Okay, so I guess she does know what I did.
“But you do want some. Right? Kids of your own.”
I scratch at the stubble on my chin. It would be nice but at the minute, it’s the furthest thing from my mind. “Maybe. Just not right now.”
“I guess you don’t have anyone willing to give you a kid as much as they’re willing to say they had a night with the famous Aidan Gass.”
“You’re making me sound like a man-whore, sis. Not cool.”
“Isn’t that what you musicians get up to when you’re on the road,” she nudges me.
“Not me…Not anymore.”
“Ooo, have you met someone?”
“Real convincing, Adam.”
“Leave it alone Ke.”
Luckily after a scrutinising stare, she drops the subject. “So tell me how things are going? Do you have some time before you head off to Europe? What are you gonna do?”
“I’m not really sure. We have some commitments back in LA before we go, I just wanted a break away from everything for a while.”
She eyes me, she can always tell when I’m holding something in. But thankfully doesn’t press me. We drink the beers, watch a few re-runs of Friends then I turn in while she gets on with some work. It’s nice, having a normal life for a little while.
Lying in bed I plug my phone in to charge. I don’t know why I’m hoping she has answered my texts, she is never going to. But I do notice she’s read them. I sit up in bed staring at the screen and wonder what she’s doing. Staying out here with Keira and Jake is probably the best thing to do for the next five days. I can visit my parents too. No one will bother me here.
If I go to New York I’m sure to be recognised and won’t get any peace. I do have friends in the city I could catch up with. Maybe I could spend a day or two there. Maybe.
After brunch with my parents, Keira and Jake, I decide to bite the bullet and make an overnight trip to the city. I book a hotel under my real name and set off, waving to Jake and Keira standing on the porch. I call a couple of friends on the way and arrange to go out tonight for something to eat. I’m used to getting recognised, it’s gonna happen no matter what I do, I’m gonna enjoy myself instead of hiding away, and maybe if a certain someone gets wind of me being in the city, she might reconsider answering my messages.
I laugh at my own stupidity.
The hotel staff are surprised when they see who is checking in but the manager assures me he will do everything he can to keep my stay here private. I put on a cap and sunglasses, and head out for a stroll to Central Park. I downloaded some music at Keira’s last night, some Rolling Stones, Guns n Roses and Led Zeppelin. No particular reason, I tell myself as I listen to them through my wireless ear buds, it’s good stuff, I’ve listened to these bands of course, they’re all legends in their own right but it’s been a while. Luckily, I’m only recognised as I’m heading out of the park, so got in a fairly decent walk by myself. Initially it’s a few people asking for pictures and autographs, but the more people that start to surround me, the more I get worried I’ve fucked up.