Page 35 of Sky Full of Stars
A couple of NYPD officers patrolling the area step in when they see the commotion, realise who I am and clear people away so I can get in a cab. I still don’t fully escape the craziness when the cabbie asks for an autograph too but I don’t mind that so much. As we’re heading back to the hotel I spot a gym, a boxing gym. It’s not necessarily hers but it makes me think of her. Arch would kick my ass if he knew so I forget about it and go back to get ready for dinner with my friends.
I would have preferred to go to a regular restaurant but it makes sense to go somewhere that caters to celebrities, where we won’t be too disturbed. I suggested Peter Luger, who serves some of the best steak in the city. Kono and Jasper are friends from the early days, they own a recording studio and worked with us on the first record. They’ve been married for six years now, we all went to their wedding in Hawaii, where Kono was born and raised before meeting Jasper who was on vacation following him back to the mainland.
“When are you gonna come back and record an album with us?” Kono asks over drinks at the end of the meal. “You know we’ve got a bigger studio than we used to have.”
“It’s still not as big as the one they record at in LA darlin’,” Jasper tells her in his soft Southern drawl.
“Why are you trying to talk him out of this?” Kono asks her husband. “Ignore him, he clearly took a knock to the head when he was renovating the house.”
I laugh and wonder about the suggestion. We did have fun recording the album here. It might make a nice change and take us in a different direction getting creative in a new city.
“How about you show me the new place while I’m here, I might be able to swing it.”
“Seriously?” Kono’s mouth drops open.
“Why not? You asked Kono, don’t look so surprised. You’re good at what you do, I think it might be a good idea.”
“Well fuck me.”
“How many times do I have to tell you about that mouth?”
Kono looks at Jasper, she clutches his hand. “You love my mouth. Filthy and all.”
“Get a room,” I laugh when I see the way they’re looking at each other. They both laugh too although Kono is blushing and Jasper is still giving her loving eyes.
“Why don’t I call Bianca after seeing the studio and float the idea?”
“That would be so amazing, Aidan, I know you’re gonna love the new place.”
“Well, we created a pretty special album with you guys first time around. Arch and I need to take some time after the European tour to do some writing, but it might get the creative juices flowing being in the City.”
Kono claps her hands together. “I’m so excited.”
“Don’t get too excited darlin’ he’s still got to run it by that hard ass he calls a manager.”
“I can handle Bianca,” I smile at them. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of it. I’m glad I came to meet them. Even if I’m not in the city for the reasons I’d hoped, it was good to make this connection with old friends. “I think this could work. I’ll speak to the guys tomorrow. If I get them on my side, then Bianca is gonna have to fight hard to veto it. We all have family here too.”
I pick up the tab, despite their protests, but when it’s over a hundred bucks for a steak, I’d rather they didn’t use their money when I can pay for this a hundred times over.
Before we leave, I ask a stupid question, because I know they live in the area.
“You guys know of a gym around East Village that works with MMA fighters?”
Kono shakes her head. “Who has time to go the gym? And MMA?” she wrinkles her nose. “I could think of nothing worse.”
Jasper on the other hand does know of one. He’s not sure of the address but thinks it might be by Tompkins Square Park. When he asks why I shrug it off, saying I started watching some fights and knew a couple of the professional guys I’d seen trained there.
It won’t be too hard to figure out where it actually is. I just need to think whether it’s a good idea.
Chapter Twelve
“Doll are you sure you should be here, you look awfully tired and I have Tina now to pick up the slack. I’m talking a day or two nothing more. It’s been a long six weeks for you.”
“Iz, I’m fine honestly.” I’d rather be in work than home alone with nothing to keep my mind off Adam. Or Aidan, who he actually is. “Besides, as good as Tina is at picking up some of my stuff, we need to keep on top of what you do and I don’t want you worrying about work when you have Ada to take care of. I swear, I’m fine, maybe a little tired yes but I’m happy to be here, so stop hounding me about it.”
She looks at my lopsided grin, unsure whether I actually mean it or not and eventually gives in and heads back to her office. She is leaving in an hour to go to Ada’s next treatment at the hospital. She introduced me to Tina when I came in yesterday after getting home, unpacking and coming to the office. Everyone was surprised to see me, but I needed to be here. We spent most of my time catching up on the tour and discussing how successful it had been. I told no one about the last night. Only that I had gotten sick before it started and had to return to the hotel. I had to tell Izzy that because Elle would likely mention it.
Both Elle and Kevin were disappointed for me and Kevin even offered to take me back to the hotel but I assured him I would be fine and didn’t want him to miss anything. I didn’t want anyone to see me crying. Nor could I face him and from his texts I knew he wanted to see me. I was sure there was no way he would be able to explain what I saw and what I had come to realise about him.